Refresh End of Day Inventory Snapshot (refeodinventory)

Module Name



Refresh End of Day Inventory Snapshot

Functional Area

Inventory Tracking

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This script refreshes the item/location stock on hand end of day snapshot. This end of day snapshot is used for assorted history build programs. The script does the following:

  • Truncates the item/location stock on hand end of day snapshot table.

  • Inserts all records from the item/location stock on hand table into the item/location stock on hand end of day snapshot table.



Design Assumptions

  • All of the daily updates pertaining to stock on hand have been performed during prior batch phases.

  • The executing schema has DROP ANY TABLE privileges. This is needed to perform the truncate on the item/location end of day snapshot table.

  • The item/location end of day snapshot table is owned by the schema name specified in the TABLE_OWNER column of the SYSTEM_OPTIONS view.