Truck Splitting Optimization for Replenishment (rplsplit)

Module Name



Truck Splitting Optimization for Replenishment

Functional Area


Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

The purpose of this program is to select all the orders eligible for truck splitting, which are created by the replenishment programs. The orders that are eligible will be sent into the truck splitting logic and the resulting orders will be created.

The orders, which will be eligible for splitting, are as follows:

  • The order must have been created today by replenishment with the order approve indicator set to Yes.

  • The order must not have been already split.

  • The order must be a single location order and the location must be a warehouse.

  • The order must not have any allocations associated.

Orders will only be split if they meet criteria for splitting as defined in the supplier inventory management parameters.


The logical unit of work for this program is set at order level. Records will be committed to the database when commit max counter defined in the restart control table is reached.

Design Assumptions