Update ELC Components (batch_compeffupd)

Module Name



Apply Pending Cost Component, Up-charge and ELC Changes

Functional Area

Foundation Data

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

In Merchandising, users are allowed to make rate changes to cost components, up-charges and expense profiles and assign future effective dates to the changes. Additionally, when these future rate changes are specified, users can choose to cascade these changes to lower levels. The options for how the updates can be cascaded are described in the table below:

Table 3-9 Options for Cascading Updates

Updated Entity Cascade Options

Expense Profiles (Country, Supplier, or Partner)

Order, Item

Cost Component (Expense)

Country, Supplier, Partner, Item, Order

Cost Component (Assessment)

Item, Order

Cost Component (Up-charge)

Department, Item, Transfer/Allocation

Department Level Up-Charges

Item, Transfer/Allocation

This batch process is used to process updates to cost components of all types at the expense component level, updates to department level up-charges, and updates to expense profiles at the supplier, country, or partner level. The cascading to other levels is handled in the dependent processes which are run after this process:

  • Allocation and Transfer Up-charge Update (batch_alloctsfupd)

  • Expense Profile Update (batch_expprofupd)

  • Item Cost Component Update (batch_itmcostcompupd)

  • Purchase Order Cost Component Update (batch_ordcostcompupd)

  • Department Up-charge (batch_depchrgupd)



Design Assumptions