Update Stock On Hand Based on Stock Count Results (stkvar)

Module Name



Update Stock On Hand Based on Stock Count Results

Functional Area

Stock Counts

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Integration Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

The Stock Count Stock on Hand Updates batch process updates stock on hand based on the unit count results. For Unit counts, it also writes transaction data records for any variances to transaction code 22. For Unit & Value counts, it also computes the total cost and total retail value of the count and updates the count/product/location table with this information. The post processing for this batch inserts dept/class/subclass/location records into the week, month and half data tables in cases wherein they don't exist.


The logical unit of work for this program is item, location type and location. This program is multithread using the restart stock count view. After the maximum commit counter number of rows is processed, intermittent commits are done to the database and the item/location information is written to restart tables for restart/recovery.

Design Assumption