Volume 2 - Message Publication and Subscription Designs

This volume contains details about Merchandising and Sales Audit integrations. These integrations fall into four main categories:

  • Message-based Integration - These are covered in two sections: publication and subscription. Publication covers RIB messages published from Merchandising to other solutions. Subscription covers RIB message that are subscribed to by Merchandising from other solutions.

  • SOAP Web Services - This chapter provides a summary of the provider and consumer SOAP services supported by Merchandising and Sales Audit, including details on security, URLs, and payload information.

  • ReSTful Web Services - This chapter provides a summary of the ReST services supported by Merchandising and Sales Audit, including details on security, URLs, and payload information.

  • Scheduled Integration - This chapter provides a summary of integrations that are scheduled either to be run once per day or periodically throughout the day. There are generally two types of integrations – those that expect or produce files and those that move data between integration tables, also referred to as Bulk Data Integration (BDI).