Weekly Rollup of Data/Calculations for Stock Ledger (salweek)

Module Name



Weekly Rollup of Data/Calculations for Stock Ledger

Functional Area

Stock Ledger

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule.

Design Overview

This program is responsible for performing the weekly summarization processing in the stock ledger. This program processes all weeks that are in the month for which month-end process has not been run, up to the current week. It rolls up data on DAILY_DATA, DAILY_DATA_TEMP and WEEK_DATA_TEMP to the corresponding dept/class/subclass/location/half-month/week/currency level and updates the WEEK_DATA table.

This program processes all weeks that are in the month for which month-end process has not been run, up to the current week. This program can be run at any time during the week - not necessarily just at week-end, as it must be run before the Monthly Stock Ledger Processing, which can be run at any time after the closing of a month.

In addition to the summarization processes done by this program, there are several week ending calculations done as well. The closing stock value, half to date goods available for sale (HTD GAFS), shrinkage and gross margin are calculated by calling a package function, based on the accounting method designated for the department - cost or retail. Additionally, the closing stock value for a processed week becomes opening stock value for the next week. Also, if this program is run at the end of the week, it will write a 'shell' record for the next week, populating the key fields on the table (subclass, location, and so on), the opening stock values at cost and retail and the HTD GAFS at cost and retail. It may be noted that these shell records will be created only for those subclass/location/ week combinations that have a non-zero value of ending inventory or a non-zero value of HTD GAFS.


The logical unit of work is dept/class/subclass combination. A commit will take place when number of dept/class/subclass combination records processed is equal to commit max counter in restart control table.

Design Assumptions