File name: rmsasyncprocs/b.pls

Function Level Description – ENQUEUE_WH_ADD

           (O_error_message          IN OUT  RTK_ERRORS.RTK_TEXT%TYPE,
            I_rms_async_id           IN      RMS_ASYNC_STATUS.RMS_ASYNC_ID%TYPE)

This function adds the RMS_ASYNC_ID associated with the JOB_TYPE WH_ADD created from the warehouse form to the asynchronous queue. It also makes entries into the RMS_ASYNC_STATUS and RMS_ASYNC_RETRY tables to track the status of the asynchronous job.

Function Level Description – ENQUEUE_WH_ADD_RETRY

           (O_error_message          IN OUT  RTK_ERRORS.RTK_TEXT%TYPE,
            I_rms_async_id           IN      RMS_ASYNC_STATUS.RMS_ASYNC_ID%TYPE)

This function puts the RMS_ASYNC_ID associated with a WH_ADD event into the asynchronous queue again for re-processing. It is invoked through the asynchronous job log form.

Function Level Description – NOTIFY_WH_ADD

Procedure: NOTIFY_WH_ADD(context     raw,
                         payload     raw,
                         payloadl    number)

This procedure is called during the de-queue process. This procedure calls the function CORESVC_WH_ADD_SQL.ADD_WH for WH creation. Once the WH creation is completed successfully it calls the function RMS_ASYNC_PROCESS_SQL.WRITE_SUCCESS to update the status of the RMS_ASYNC_ID as ‘success’. During failure in WH creation it calls the function RMS_ASYNC_PROCESS_SQL.WRITE_ERROR to update the status as ‘error’ and updates the error message. The user is notified about the success or failure of the WH creation process.