Write Purchase Order Information to Purchase Order History Tables (ordrev)

Module Name



Write Purchase Order Information to Purchase Order History Tables

Functional Area

Purchase Orders

Module Type


Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

Ordrev.pc will write versions of approved orders to the order revision history tables. When orders are approved or when approved orders are modified, this program selects order numbers from the REV_ORDERS table and writes current order information to the order/allocation revision tables. After the new version has been written to the order revision tables, all records will be deleted from the REV_ORDERS table for that order_no.

This program processes order changes made by the client that may need to be sent to the vendor. The order changes should always be referred to as ‘versions' and kept clearly distinct from order ‘revisions' which are vendor changes uploaded via the ediupack program.

If an order is not in approved status at the time the batch program runs, then none of the above processing will occur. These records will stay on the REV_ORDERS table until the PO is approved or deleted.


Restart ability will be implied because the records that are selected from the driving cursor will be deleted before the commit. Restart library functions will still be included to ensure that rollback segments are not exceeded (by committing at intervals) and to perform basic record keeping functionality.

Design Assumptions