Configure and Test Data Access Schema

The Data Access Schema (DAS) is a way for certain tables in the Merchandising Foundation production database to be replicated to an on-premise or hosted environment to provide you with more direct access to your production data in order to build extensions, integration, custom reporting, and so on. The DAS uses Oracle GoldenGate, which is a comprehensive software package for real-time data integration and replication in heterogeneous IT environments. If you plan to implement replication from Merchandising, you will also need to acquire database capacity and a Golden Gate license for the target.

After your Merchandising environments have been provisioned, then you will need to log an SR to complete the GoldenGate installation on the source (SaaS) side. As part of this activity, you will be asked to provide the target connection details for configuration on the source side, as well.

Then, once you have installed and configured your target environment, you can configure which of the tables available for replication you want replicated to your target database. The list of tables that are available to be replicated are found in the DAS data model, which can be downloaded from My Oracle Support by accessing note Doc ID 2200398.1. For details on configuring your target environment and adding tables to DAS, see the My Oracle Support notes for Doc ID 2835323.1 and Doc ID 2283998.1.