3 Search Options

Use the Search options to restrict the orders displayed at the New Orders, Ready to Pick, Ready to Receive, Ready to Ship, Ready to Pick Up, or All Orders screens.

How to display the Search options: Click the magnifying glass icon in the Search Criteria field at the top of the screen. The Search options drawer open to the right of the screen.

Illustrates the Search Criteria field.

Selecting one or more search criteria: Enter one or more of the search criteria described below and select Apply to search. Otherwise, select Clear to clear the entered search criteria, or Cancel to exit the Search options.

Field Description
Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial order number to restrict the results to orders that start with or match your entry. This is the code assigned to identify the order in the originating system. For example, an entry of 123 matches order numbers of 12345 of 123ABC. Also, searching is not case-sensitive: a search for abc matches an order number that includes ABC.

Note: Two orders can be assigned the same order ID if, for example, the customer added a new item to an existing order in the system where the order was placed.

Last Name

Optionally, enter a full or partial last name to restrict the results to orders placed by customers whose last names start with or match your entry. For example, an entry of John matches customers whose last names are John or Johnson. Not case-sensitive: an entry of john or JOHN matches John or Johnson.

Date From

Optionally, enter or select the earliest order date to include in the search results. Based on the date and time when the order was created in Order Orchestration, which might be different from the date when the order was created in the originating system.

If you enter a Date From but not a Date To, the search results include orders with dates from the Date From to the current date.

Your entry must be a valid date format for your organization. If you enter a 4-digit number in a date field, your entry is interpreted as the year, and the current day and month are filled in. For example, if you enter 2022 and the current date is April 1, the date is filled in as 4/1/2022, depending on the date format for your locale.

Date To

Optionally, enter or select the latest order date to include in the search results. Based on the date and time when the order was created in Order Orchestration, which might be different from the date when the order was created in the originating system.

If you enter a Date To but not a Date From, the search results include orders with any dates up until the Date To.

Your entry must be a valid date format for your organization. If you enter a 4-digit number in a date field, your entry is interpreted as the year, and the current day and month are filled in. For example, if you enter 2022 and the current date is April 1, the date is filled in as 4/1/2022, depending on the date format for your locale.

Phone Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial phone number, excluding any formatting (such as parentheses or hyphens), and select either Day or Evening to display orders where the customers who placed the orders have a phone number of the selected type that starts with your entry or matches it exactly. For example, an entry of 555 matches daytime phone numbers that start with area code 555.

Your entry doesn’t need to include any additional formatting or punctuation. If your entry includes any non-numeric characters, they are ignored for searching.

Fulfillment Type

Optionally, select a fulfillment type of Delivery, Pickup, or Ship for Pickup, indicating if the order should ship to the customer, if the customer will come to the store to pick it up, or that the customer will come to a store to pick it up, but the merchandise might need to be sourced from a different store location. See the Store Connect Overview for background.

Note that the option to search based on fulfillment type is always displayed, even on screens that support only a single fulfillment type. For example, the option to search based on fulfillment type is available at the Ready to Receive screen, which displays only ship-for-pickup orders.

Express Deliveries Only

Optionally, select Express Deliveries Only to display orders only if they use a carrier flagged for express delivery.

This option applies only to delivery orders or ship-for-pickup orders, although the option is always displayed.

Request ID

Optionally, enter a valid request ID to display the order assigned to that ID. Must be an exact match.

Originating Location

Identifies the location where the order was placed. This might be a store location, or the distribution center if, for example, the order originated through the web storefront. Displayed only from the All Orders screen.

Optionally, select a location from the list, or enter a full or partial location name to filter the displayed locations to those that start with or match your entry, and then select a location from the filtered list.

Fulfilling Location

Identifies the location:

  • That ships the order (delivery)

  • That sources the order (ship-for-pickup)

  • Where the customer picks up the order (pickup)

Displayed only from the All Orders screen.

Optionally, select a location from the list, or enter a full or partial location name to filter the displayed locations to those that start with or match your entry, and then select a location from the filtered list. Searching for unfulfill shows orders that could not be fulfilled, if Unfulfillable is the name of the default unfulfillable location for your organization.

If a delivery order is fulfilled out of more than one location, or a ship-for-pickup order is sourced out of more than one location, the search results display orders that include at least one item assigned to the specified fulfilling location.

If a ship-for-pickup order is sourced from a different location than the pickup location, you need to select the sourcing location, not the pickup location, in order to find the order in the search results.