Process New Secured Features (NSEC)

Purpose: Use the Process New Secure Features option to create new secure features in each company in your environment, and define the default settings for each.

Prompting to process new secure features: When a new update that includes one or more new secure features is applied to your environment, a window prompts you to use this option. The prompt occurs for the first user to log in after the update was applied, and is no longer displayed once a user has worked through the new secure features for all companies.

You can also use this option on demand to process new secure features by selecting Process New Secure Features or entering NSEC in the Fast path field.


Oracle recommends that you process new secure features when they are added through an update, to prevent inconsistent results if a new secure feature has not been created for a company.

How to process new secure features: When you select this option, the Change Secure Feature screen opens for each new secure feature in each existing company in your environment. Each time the screen opens, the user can select the setting for the new secure feature, or exit to set the secured feature to its default value.

When you select this option, an error message indicates if there are no new secure features.