2 Resolved Issues for Order Administration

This section contains a list of the customer-reported bugs that were fixed in this release for Order Administration.

Order Administration: System Management

Defect Number Description


Corrected the name on the Gift Message Layer in Modern View Order Summary to display the Order Ship To name rather than the Order Sold To name.


Corrected the application code to ensure the JDBC connection that it used is closed.


Expanded the length of column "GCD_SEQUENCE_#" in GROUP_CODE_DETAIL table to 3 numeric positions to support entry of more Group Code Details through WPRG.


Corrected three tables for Retail Data Store replication.

Order Administration: User Interface

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue where aborting a line cancel was removing the printed quantity from the Brokered Line in Classic View Order Maintenance.


Corrected an accessibility issue with Manage Reject Deposits that caused a calendar pop-up to appear when it should not.


Corrected an accessibility issue associated with the Help button in Modern View.


Corrected the issue in OIOM, where a user returns a quantity 1 of a line and then returns an additional quantity of that line after the credit invoice has been credited, an informational message: Bill Detail Data Queue Already Exists. This message is not correct and no longer appears.


Corrected the issue when returning an entire order, if the return disposition code that defaults or that a user select does not have a default warehouse and location, the warehouse and location drop downs on the Return Ship-To in Modern View Order Summary did not work.


Corrected an issue that was occurring where users were entering more than the 60-character limit in the Message field in Modern View Order Summary and not receiving error messages.


Corrected an issue where the duplicate match code window was preventing the user from correcting an invalid postal code/ state combination.


Corrected the Payment Configuration tab list of Payment Configurations to display the correct error message when the + AddMerchant Account process is unable to authenticate with EFTConnect. 


Corrected the issue that prevented a user from changing credit card payment information once payment data is entered in classic view Order Entry. 


Corrected the issue by adding the Start Date to the Customer Membership Replace Payment window in Modern View.


Corrected the issue where the Delete option appeared for a payment that is authorized or billed in Modern View Order Summary. The Deactivate option now appears so the user can deactivate the payment instead.


Corrected the issue preventing a user from exiting the Print Exchange Reason Report (PERR) screen.


Corrected the issue that prevented descriptions from appearing when four or more Order Types were displayed in the Sales by Order Type graph in Modern View.


Corrected an issue in the Modern View Sales Summary screen so text does not come out of the boxes and does not overlap.


Increased the Time To Live setting in the Modern View so that a user's session will not be timed out until the full timeout value is reached which is set by the oms.ui.session.timeout property.


Removed an erroneous error message that displayed when you attempted to run an authorization for a gift card.


Corrected an accessibility issue on the Modern View Manage Held Orders window.


Corrected the issue preventing the Home page Help Center from working as expected.


Corrected the issue with loyalty tool tips not displaying the correct loyalty awards amount.


Corrected the issue where the discount tooltip was not displaying the amount of the applied discounts in Modern View Order Summary.


Corrected the issue so now the customer tab is opening correctly after clicking on the customer name in both the 'Order summary' and 'Search for Orders or Customers' page.


Corrected an issue that was preventing the ability to search by the user in Display Order Inquiry (DORI).


Corrected an issue where tabs, shortcut keys, and fields were not being translated.


Corrected the issue where a user may have multiple customer tabs open at one time and when a user performs an update, the information from one customer is being updated in the other customer record in Modern View.


Corrected an issue so that updated IDs in each validation group are now unique.


Corrected the error messages not functioning when working with more than one customer. A unique ID is now assigned if one or more tabs are opened.


Removed the Create option from the Select Company window. To create a new company, you should use the COPYCMP periodic function.


Corrected Modern View to prevent displaying the Customer Engagement customer number when the Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number on Search flag in WWCC is unselected. Previously, Modern View displayed the Customer Engagement customer number after you created a loyalty program for the customer.


Corrected Modern View order entry to display the Customer Engagement customer number when you select the Create Order option from the Customer Search screen if the Use Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Customer Number on Search flag in WWCC is selected. Previously, Modern View order entry displayed the Customer Engagement customer number only when you first advanced to the Modern View order entry and then selected the customer.


Corrected Addition Information Required window for an item, displayed through the Modern View Order Summary page, to display the item description and item ID regardless of the setting of the User External Item Image (L55) system control value.


Corrected the Order Activity tab in Modern View to display the full coupon number when the Attempt Reuse option was selected in order creation.


Corrected Modern View to always display the option to switch companies if the user has authority to more than one company, regardless of whether a default company is defined in WUSR for the user.


Corrected direct link access to enable you to select the customer tab after using the direct link to advance to Modern View.


Corrected a situation in which you couldn’t add an order line from the Modern View Order Summary page because a pop-up window that required you to add an add line reason code or a price override reason code was behind the Add Item window.


Corrected Retail Integration Item Upload (RIIU) to prevent an error displayed if you attempted to change a submitted upload record.

Order Administration: Web Services

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue preventing INVOICE_OUT Trigger Rules from being honored.


Corrected the issue that was preventing VENDOR_OUT Trigger Rules from being honored.


Corrected the issue that enabled users to edit order amounts without locking the order first when calling the Order Maintenance API, Edit Order Payment Amount request message.


Corrected the issue when backorder priority is not passed in Order API, and the customer passed has a customer loyalty membership record with priority, it is now defaulting to this priority.


Corrected the issue where the system was writing a null entry in the PO_OUT_OUT QUEUE which prevented Drop Ship order records from being returned using GetFromQueue API.


Corrected the issue so when quantity is included in the CWReceiptIn Message it will process without erroring out in WPRE-Work with PO Receipt Errors with a reason of Missing Receipt Quantity.


Corrected the issue when a user creates a new Client through the Modern View Manage External Client Applications screen, it now properly links to the OACS Service Type.Alert: Existing clients will not support scopes that have been created through OACS in a prior release. The retailer must create a new client to use for any services (i.e. Return Authorizations) that require scopes for authentication.There is no impact to other integrations though, the existing clients will still work for those integrations as scopes were not required.


Corrected PICK_OUT processing to apply trigger rules when they are defined in IJCT.


Corrected the ccc_refund_amt tag in the credit card acknowledgement CWEmailOut message to include zero decimal amounts; for example, it now passes 12.00 rather than 12.


Corrected the CWInvoiceOut message version 7.0 to include new Discount tags related to the Promotion Engine.


Corrected the entered_time passed in the CWOrderOut message to include leading zeroes. For example, a time 01:23:45 is now passed as 012345 rather than 12345. You need to update the ORDER_IN version number to 13.0 at the Work with Integration Layer Process screen to include the leading zeroes.


Changed entry of the IDCS Enterprise Endpoint Scope (M66) system control value from the Enterprise Integration Values (M41) screen to support entry of a scope in upper and lower case.


Corrected an issue that caused a Customer History Request to fail to return a CWOrderOut response.

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Corrected the error codes and messages returned when no ship via is passed in the Order API, and the Default Ship Via (A77) system control value is blank. Header error X6 = "Invalid Ship Via for SCF" and Detail error C8 = "Invalid Ship Via".

Order Administration: Customer Service

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue where the pre-discounted price was not correctly passed into ORPE when the order was in Error status and an edit was made to the order.


Corrected the issue when displaying a store pickup order in the Modern View Order Summary screen, the system no longer removes the printed quantity and drop ship code from the order line as well as changing the affect inventory flag to Y.


Corrected the issue in Modern View to allow cancel of an order ship-to of Delivery or Retail-Pickup orders only when you have Cancel Broker Orders (B19) secured feature authority.


Corrected an issue that now requires that anytime you have Affect Inventory set to Y, you must enter a valid warehouse and location during the creation of a return even if the Use Primary Location is set to Y in Work with Return Disposition Values (WRDV). 


Corrected an issue in Classic View Order Maintenance so that the ship via is not reverted back to the original ship via after the order is maintained when the ship via is overridden by an ORPE promotion override.


Corrected an issue in Classic View order maintenance, so when a user maintains an order that has line promotion applied, the system no longer writes an order transaction history message indicating the price was overridden.


Corrected the issue so now the subtotal sent in the ORPE Applied Deals request message is the original sum of the lines before the ORPE discount was applied.


Corrected an issue so when an order line that has an ORPE discount and then the price is lowered again in Order Maintenance it now writes an ORPE IDISC record and a delta for the difference.


An Order Transaction History message of Serialized Coupon Redemption Bypassed is now written if the redemption for an ORCE Serialized Coupon did not occur due to outstanding credit card authorizations during Modern View Order Entry.


Corrected the issue in Modern View Order Entry so the correct error message appears when entering a value greater than the value defined in Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value.


Corrected the link to an order number displayed under Purchase History for a customer in Modern View to display the order number only if the order shipped through Order Administration.


Changed Work with Return Dispositions to always require a warehouse and location.  It is recommended that all customers add a warehouse and location to any existing return disposition records to prevent creating item/location records with a blank location code.Additionally, Return Disposition Code 10 has been updated with a location of A010101 for company 51 and all Return Disposition Codes have been removed from company 49.


Corrected the issue so that when a user edits an order message, the update occurs against the original Ship-To that contained the order message in Modern View Order Summary.


Corrected an issue so that users in Modern View Order Entry can not apply a loyalty award amount that is greater than the merchandise amount.


Corrected the issue so the Gift Wrap flag is displayed as Enabled consistently in the Modern View Order Summary Edit Order Lines screen, for Items that are eligible for gift wrapping.


Corrected an issue so that when SCV G45 (Auto Update Order Priority) is set to Yes, the Order API evaluates the arrival date against the current date and automatically sets the B/O priority to 9.  


Corrected the list of orders in the Customer List window from displaying the Company name associated to the Customer Sold To for a One Time Ship To address.


Corrected the issue that prevented the ORPE Entitlement discount from applying to the order when an ORCE Loyalty Award was applied.


Corrected the issue when an ordered quantity for a backorder item is reduced in Edit Order line page, the backorder and the available quantity is not reducing correctly in DINI.


Corrected the issue during Order Error Batch Edit flow to only delete ORPE discount history records to be re-evaluated.


Corrected the issue so now a user will not be allowed to edit a store address for a Ship for Pickup order in Modern View Order Summary.


Corrected the issue so the Postal code or Country code field are no longer required fields in Modern View if the user unselected these fields in WCTY and maintained ship to in the order summary.


Corrected the issue when the status of the order is CLOSED or CANCELLED, you can unlock an order even though all the pay types have been deactivated.


Corrected the issue in Modern View Order Entry that prevented a user from adding a free gift to an order that is defined at the Offer or Source.


Corrected the issue so the RAH_ENTERED_DATE is only set when the Return Auth Header is created.


Corrected an issue where you were unable to view an order through Modern View Order Summary because of corrupt data. You can now view the order but no changes can be made to the order. The order will need to be purged.


Corrected the issue so when the item doesn't have a primary location or the return disposition code is to set up to receive returns in the primary location, the system now uses the warehouse and location entered on the Return page in Modern View.


Corrected the issue when using more than one payment the system was not able to accept the order.


Corrected Bill Async to process records based on priority and date of creation.


Corrected an issue where the source code on the order detail line was not defaulted from the source code defined for the offer.


Corrected an issue so now the ihd_invoice_process_date is updated for all the orders and order_billing_history table updates as expected.


Corrected closing an order due to the auto-soldout process to remove any tax on freight override amount.


Corrected closure of an order for a soldout item to remove the additional freight amount.


Corrected scanning in the Work with Refunds screen (WREF) to include all matching records up to a maximum of 500.


Corrected Modern View order entry to apply loyalty awards when the Promotion Engine is in use. Note that any loyalty award is prorated across the eligible order lines after the promotional discount applies.


Corrected an issue that prevented the application of a Promotion Engine discount on the invoice for an order.


Corrected Modern View order entry to display an error if the oms.promotion.engine.service.url property is not set correctly.


Corrected Modern View order entry to display the correct amount for an order line that is partially reserved and partially sold out. For example, if the unit price is $10.00, 2 units are reserved, and 3 units are sold out, the screen displays an extended price of $20.00 where it previously displayed an extended price of $0.00.


Corrected an error that occurred when unlocking an order with multiple ship-to’s at the Order Summary page in Modern View.

Order Administration: Order Orchestration Integration

Defect Number Description


Changed processing of the fulfillment response message from Order Orchestration to create a new order when additional lines are received from the same originating OACS order. For example, this situation could occur after one order line on the original order was assigned to the OACS warehouse while a second line was initially assigned to a different fulfilling location, but then the different fulfilling location rejected the second order line, causing Order Orchestration to assign the second line to the OACS warehouse as well.


Corrected the issue preventing the display of distances for all the records received by order broker.


Corrected Order Administration to send a status update to Order Orchestration when an order is assigned to Order Administration for fulfillment and the order goes on hold.

Order Administration: Payment Processing

Defect Number Description


Corrected virtual stored value card activation to take place immediately when the Use Activation / Reversal Batch Processing (I50) system control value is unselected.


Corrected the issue when a REVIEW status is returned from Cybersource, it did not return a card token.  In this case, subsequent processing will not work properly. Now the user is required to get a new form of payment. 


Corrected the issue where the authorization reversal (void) for a Wallet payment was still in pending status and should have been approved for a canceled order.


Corrected the issue preventing a resubmit of rejected deposits for Wallet payments.


Corrected the program name for the EFTSTA periodic function from PfrEFTStatus to PfrEFTStat.


Corrected the issue so an order payment history record will be deleted when the associated order payment method is declined and not saved through Modern View Order Entry.


Corrected an issue in Modern View Order Entry that allowed you to save an order without attempting to get additional authorization on a new payment method when the original one declined as the hold code was not cleared from the original attempt. 


Corrected the issue where authorization is not received for the balance amount. SATH now processes an authorization if an item is added after requesting authorization for the original order.


Corrected the issue to always pass ignoreAVSResult and ignoreCVResult tags as 'true' in the Authorization and Authorization+Capture requests to EFTConnect.


Corrected the issue where Merchant Accounts created in Test mode were being flagged as Live through the Payment Configuration screen.


Corrected the issue so the WOIT record status is now moved from P to X when running the periodic function EFTSTATUS.


Corrected Transmit SVC/CC Transactions (SSVC) and the EFTSTA periodic function to process the approval of a void of an authorization for a canceled order.


Order Administration: Imports and Exports

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue so that the CASHIP process now sends shipping carrier and shipping class information for the Originating Broker Order to ChannelAdvisor.


Corrected the issue that prevented Order Administration from processing the files uploaded for RIIUPP and other file types.


Corrected the CASHIP process to not pick closed records.

Order Administration: Customer Engagement Integration

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue where the ORCE POSLog RetailPriceModifier element was showing inconsistencies if the sum value was less than the offer price.


Corrected an issue when an order had multiple lines, now, if the sum value is equal to the offer price, write an ORCE POSLog RetailPriceModifier element for each order detail discount history detail record.

Order Administration: Taxation

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue when using Avatax in a scenario where we cannot calculate tax, it will now display a message indicating tax cannot be calculated, and if J13 = Y, an additional message indicating standard tax calculation was used.

Order Administration: Fulfillment

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue so that when an order is eligible for pick slip generation and you use WPPE to verify if the order is eligible, the system displays the message, Order Meets Criteria, rather than displaying a blank reason.


Corrected an issue that could have prevented sorting drop ship pick slips correctly when there were more than 50 drop ship pick slips.

Order Administration: Performance

Defect Number Description


Corrected the issue that was causing a timeout error in the application.

Order Administration: Reports

Defect Number Description


Corrected the page numbering on the Backorder Order Report and Rejected Batch Error Listing.