13 Order Entry Secured Features

Purpose: The Order Entry secured features permit (*ALLOW) or prohibit (*EXCLUDE) user access to Order Entry/Maintenance functions that require authorization.

Order Maintenance Access (A22)

This feature controls whether the user can maintain an order.

  • Allow = the user can advance to order maintenance.

  • Exclude = the user cannot advance to order maintenance.

Related secured features: See:

Also, see Secured Features Controlling Access to Order Maintenance in the online help for an overview.

Price Overrides (A23)

This feature controls whether the user can override the price of an order line.

  • Allow = a user can update the following fields on the Work with Order Line screen during order entry and maintenance

    • Price

    • N/C (No Charge flag)

    • Ovr (Price override reason code)

    • Offer price

  • Exclude = the fields above are display-only on the Work with Order Lines screen during order entry and maintenance.


If a user without authority to override price under this secured feature enters an item that is specified as a free gift for the source or offer associated with the order, and the user enters the Default Price Override Reason (B35), the system adds the item to the order at the price override amount entered.

Additional Charges Access (A24)

This feature controls whether the user can add or modify an additional charge code on an order.

  • Allow = a user can add or modify an additional charge on the order by selecting Charges in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and Work with Return Authorizations (streamlined version only). When the user selects Charges, the Enter Additional Charges window opens so the user can select an additional charge code and specify the additional charge amount if there is not a default charge amount.

    Examples of additional charges include a store-restocking fee, a duty fee, or long- distance telephone charges. Additional charges are defined in and validated against the Additional Charge table.

  • Exclude = a user cannot display the additional charges pop-up window. When the user selects Charges, a message indicates that the user cannot use the function.

C/C Authorization Field Access (A25)

This feature controls whether the user can enter an authorization number and amount.

  • Allow = a user can enter pre-authorized credit card transactions by entering an authorization number and amount. This feature is used primarily when:
    • You do not use an authorization service to evaluate and approve your credit card orders.

    • Your connection to your authorization service is not active.

If you use an authorization service, the system updates the Authorization # field when you receive the authorization.

  • Exclude = a user cannot enter an Authorization # and amount.

Modify Existing Messages (A30)

This feature enables a user to modify existing messages in Order Entry and Order Maintenance. Users are able to add new messages regardless of how this secured feature is set.

  • Allow = a user can modify existing messages in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.

  • Exclude = a user cannot modify existing messages in Order Entry and Order Maintenance.

Discount Percentages Access (A39)

This feature enables a user to take a discount on an order in Order Entry or Order Maintenance.

  • Allow = the user may take a discount on an order, up to the amount defined in the Order Discount Percentage Limit (D16) system control value. To take a discount on an order, the user must enter the amount of the discount in the Discount % field on the Order Entry/Maintenance header screen.

  • Exclude = the discount field is protected. The system issues a message if the user enters a discount: You are not authorized to use discount %.

Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40)

This feature enables a user to add, change or delete a charge for custom special handling in Order Entry when the charge is established at the special handling format.

Custom special handling differs from standard special handling in that you can define a format with entry fields, valid and default responses, and pricing by individual features. You associate the custom special handling format with an item by defining an additional charge code for the special handling format, and entering that additional charge code for the item/SKU offer. You can also specify an override special handling price at the item/SKU offer for custom special handling. At the Work with Custom Special Handling screen, charges that you specify in the item/SKU offer default to the S/H price field, while charges that you specify in the special handling format default to the Charge field(s). The Enter or Override Personalization Charge secured feature controls access to the Charge field(s) only.

  • Allow = the user can add, delete or change custom special handling charges on orders.

  • Exclude = the system issues a message when a user attempts to work with a custom special handling charge at the Work with Custom Special Handling screen in Order Entry:

    Not authorized to Enter or Override charge amount.

This secured feature does not apply to Contact Center order entry.

For more information: See Special Handling Overview in the online help for a discussion of the different types of special handling, and how the system controls access to the related fields and screens.

O/E Hold, Release Order Lines (A46)

This feature controls the ability to place or release a hold on an order line in Order Entry and Order Maintenance

  • Allow = the user can place or release an order line hold during order entry or order maintenance by selecting Hold or Release for the item. If an order line is held (Status = H), the system does not apply pick slip preparation to the item.

    Only open, unprinted order lines are eligible to be held. If you try to place a hold on an order line that has printed pick slips, a message indicates: Line (x) cannot be changed - pick slips pending.

    If you try to place a hold on an order line that has already been shipped, a message indicates: Line (x) cannot be changed - not currently open.

  • Exclude = the system displays a message when the user tries to place a hold on (or release) an order line:

    Not authorized to hold (or release) the order line


Hold through special handling format? This secured feature does not control the ability to put a line on hold due through a special handling format flagged to hold order lines; similarly, it does not control the ability to release an order line by removing the special handling format. See Putting a Line on Hold through a Special Handling Format in the online help for a discussion.

Override Negative Additional Chrge Limit (A60)

This feature controls the ability to override the dollar limit defined in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value.

  • Allow = the user can exceed the dollar limit defined in the Negative Additional Charge Limit (E49) system control value.

    You can enter negative additional charges at the Enter Additional Charges window, which is available in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and Work with Return Authorizations (streamlined version only) by selecting Charges.

  • Exclude = the system displays a message when a user attempts to exceed the dollar limit for an order:

    Negative additional charge exceeds the limit for this order.

Additional charges that the system adds to the order (for example, through a promotion) are not included in the negative additional charge total.

Override Price Override Limit (A64)

This feature controls the ability to override the percentage defined in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value.

  • Allow = the user can override the percentage defined in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value.

  • Exclude = the system displays a message when a user attempts to exceed the price override limit:

    Entered price exceeds override limit.

Display Gross Margin (A65)

This feature controls the ability to display the gross profit margin and gross profit margin percent in order entry, order maintenance, standard order inquiry, and item availability.

  • Allow = the Gross profit margin and Gross profit margin percent fields display in order entry, maintenance, and inquiry and item availability.

  • Exclude = the gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentage fields do not display in order entry, maintenance, and inquiry and item availability.

Where are gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentage displayed? The gross profit margin and gross profit margin percentages for individual orders or order lines are listed on the screens and reports below.

  • Screens:

    • Work with Order Line screen in order entry and order maintenance

    • Work with Order/Recap screen in order entry

    • Display Invoice Header screen in order inquiry

    • Display Item/Offer Prices screen, available from the Display Item Availability screen

  • Reports:

    • Standard Sales Journal

    • Sales Journal by Division

    • Salesman Demand Report

    • Source Shipped Report


The following reports list gross profit totals across multiple orders.
  • Sales Journal Summary by Period

  • Sales Journal Summary by Offer

  • Sales Journal Summary by Descending Dollars

  • Sales Journal Summary by Invoice Date

  • Sales Journal Summary by Entity/Offer

For more information: See Determining Gross Profit in the online help for more information.

Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69)

This feature controls the ability to enter an order line whose total dollar value exceeds the amount specified in the Maximum Order Line Value (E98) system control value.

  • Allow = a pop-up window opens in order entry and order maintenance informing the user that the order line total exceeds the specified maximum. The user must select Accept to add the line to the order. If the user selects Exit or OK, the line is not added to the order, and a message indicates that the order line exceeds the maximum: Order line value of 800.00 exceeds maximum allowed in SCV E98.

  • Exclude = no pop-up window opens when the user enters an order line that exceeds the maximum. Instead, the screen displays an error message.

Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70)

This feature controls the ability to enter an order line whose total quantity exceeds the amount specified in the Maximum Order Quantity (C60) system control value.

  • Allow = a pop-up window opens in order entry and order maintenance informing the user that the order line quantity exceeds the specified maximum.

    The user must select Accept to add the line to the order. If the user selects Exit or OK, the line is not added to the order, and a message indicates that the order line exceeds the maximum: Order Qty of 10 exceeds the maximum allowed in SCV C60.

  • Exclude = no pop-up window opens when the user enters an order line that exceeds the maximum. Instead, a message displays.

Allow Number of Copies to Maintain in Catalog Request (A75)

This feature controls whether the user can enter a number in the Number of copies field on the Create or Change Catalog Requests screens in Entering Catalog Requests (WCAT).

  • Allow = operators can enter a number in the Number of copies field on the Create or Change Catalog Requests screens in Work with Catalog Request.

  • Exclude = operators cannot enter a number in the Number of copies field on the Create or Change Catalog Requests screens in Work with Catalog Request. The Number of copies field is a display-only field and the number 1 defaults in the field.

Enter Amount for Order Additional Charge Code (A80)

This feature controls whether the user can enter an amount at the Enter Additional Charges window, which is available by selecting Charges in order entry, order maintenance, and Work with Return Authorizations (streamlined version only). This feature also controls entry at the Change Additional Charges screen, which is available by selecting Change for an additional charge at the Enter Additional Charges pop-up window. Authority to the additional charge code on all other screens or windows is not affected.

  • Allow = operators can enter or change the amount at the window and screen.

  • Exclude = operators cannot enter an additional charge code at the window or screen unless there is a default charge amount specified for the code.

See the Restrict Additional Charge if Default Charge (F43) system control value, as this value also affects whether the amount field is enterable.

Override Deferred and Installment Billing Options (A81)

This feature controls whether the user can select a different deferred or installment payment plan to apply to the order other than the primary payment plan assigned by the system.

  • Allow = operators can select a different deferred or installment payment plan other than the primary plan assigned by the system to apply to the order.

  • Exclude =operators cannot select a different deferred or installment payment plan to apply to the order. The system:
    • automatically assigns a primary payment plan to the order if the order is eligible for a deferred or installment payment plan and the payment plan is set to automatically apply.

    • assigns the primary payment plan to the order if the payment plan is set to not automatically apply and the user selects the Pay plan field on the Work with Order/Recap screen.

    • advances the user to the Select Payment Plan window, where the user can select the primary payment plan to assign to the order if the payment plan is set to prompt and there are no payment plans set up to automatically apply. An error message indicates if the user tries to select a payment plan other than the primary payment plan:

      Not authorized to override payment plan

Enter or Override S/H Price (B12)

This feature controls whether a user can add, change or delete the price for custom special handling in Order Entry when the charge is established at the item/offer or SKU/offer.

Unlike the Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40) secured feature, which controls access to the special handling charges established for the special handling format, the Enter or Override S/H Price secured feature controls access to the SH price field only.

  • Allow = the user can add, delete or change the custom special handling price on orders. Also, the S/H charge field at the Work with Order Line screen is enterable when the order line is assigned a standard special handling format.

  • Exclude = the custom special handling price at the Work with Custom Special Handling screen in Order Entry is display-only. Also, the S/H charge field at the Work with Order Line screen is display-only, regardless of the special handling format assigned to the order line.

This secured feature does not apply to Contact Center order entry.

For more information: See Special Handling Overview in the online help for a discussion of the different types of special handling, and how the system controls access to the related fields and screens.

Set Component Maintenance (J01)

This feature controls the ability to work change, delete, sell out, or cancel a set component in order entry and order maintenance.

  • Allow = the user can:

    • use the Work with Order Line screen to work with a set component in order entry or order maintenance

    • delete a set component in order entry

    • cancel a set component in order maintenance

    • sell out a set component in order entry or order maintenance

  • Exclude = the system displays an error message if the user selects Change, Cancel/Delete, or Sell Out for a set component in order entry or order maintenance: Not authorized to change, delete, cancel, or sell out a set component.


  • This feature only controls actions the user attempts against an individual set component on an order. For example, it does not prevent a user from canceling the set master item itself. Also, if a set component item is added to an order through any other means besides ordering the set master item, the system does not prevent the user from updating the item.

  • This feature does not control access to any other options for set components within order entry or order maintenance. For example, it does not prevent the user from:
    • putting a set component item on hold.

    • performing a merchandise locator search for a set component item.

    • processing a return or exchange for a set component item.

  • This feature does not control additional menu options and processes that can update order lines. For example, it does not prevent a user from:
    • selling out set components through Process Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO).

    • canceling set components through Process Item Substitutions (PSUB).

Display Reserved and Exp Date in OEOM (J02)

This feature controls whether the Work with Order Lines screen in order entry and order maintenance displays the reserved quantity or expected receipt date for items on the order.

  • Allow = the Work with Order Lines screen in order entry and order maintenance displays:

    • the reserved quantity for reserved items on the order

    • the expected receipt date for backordered items on the order that are on open purchase orders

  • Exclude = the Work with Order Lines screen in order entry and order maintenance does not display the reserved quantity or the expected ship date for any order lines. Also, the screen does not display the field labels (Rsv for reserve quantity and Exp for expected date).

This secured feature does not control the display of these fields on any other screens.

For more information: See the Work with Order Lines screen in the online help.

Maintain Sales Rep # During Order Maintenance (B22)

This feature controls whether you can update the Salesrep field on the Work with Order screen in Order Maintenance

  • Allow = The system allows you to update the Salesrep field on the Work with Order screen in Order Maintenance.

  • Exclude = The system prevents you from updating the Salesrep field on the Work with Order screen in Order Maintenance. The field is display-only.

Maintain Originating Store # During Order Maintenance (B23)

This feature controls whether you can update the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in Order Maintenance.

  • Allow = The system allows you to update the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in Order Maintenance.

  • Exclude = The system prevents you from updating the Sales Rep Store field on the Work with Order Ship To Properties screen in Order Maintenance. The field is display-only.

ORCE Issue Awards/Points (J07)

This feature controls whether the Issue Points and Issue Awards options display on the Display Loyalty Account screen in Classic View, or the Issue Points and Issue Award Coupon options display on the Account Details panel in Modern View.

  • Allow (default) = The Issue Points and Issue Awards options display on the Display Loyalty Account screen in Classic View, and the Issue Points and Issue Award Coupon options display on the Account Details panel in Modern View.

  • Exclude = The Issue Points and Issue Awards options do not display on the Display Loyalty Account screen in Classic View, or the Issue Points and Issue Award Coupon options display on the Account Details panel in Modern View.

For more information: See Customer Engagement Loyalty Integration in the online help for an overview and required setup.

Override One Time Use Promotion (J08)

This feature controls whether you can apply a promotion flagged for one-time use in order entry even if the promotion has already applied to an order for the customer.

  • Allow = In order entry, you can apply a promotion whose Use once field is selected, even if the promotion has already been applied to an order for the customer.

  • Exclude = In order entry, you cannot apply a promotion whose Use once field is selected if the promotion has already been applied to an order for the customer.

This feature applies only in order entry, and only if the Allow Manual Entry of Promotion Code (I63) system control value is selected. It does not apply to the order API.

For more information: See Working with Promotion Values (WPRO) in the online help for an overview.