Using the Financial Data Interface

Purpose: Use the financial data interface to extract invoice information for the current date or for a range of dates.

Periodic function: To perform the extract as part of a periodic process, you must first create a periodic function for the program FNR0008. You can then assign the periodic function to a periodic process, which you can run daily to capture all invoices for that system date. See Working with Periodic Functions (WPER) for an overview on working with periodic functions.

For more information: :

Financial Sales Download Table (IXSLDL)


Each of the fields listed below contains data only if indicated for the record type; otherwise, the field is blank.

Field Attributes Comments Record Types


Numeric, 3 positions

From Invoice Header table.


Invoice number

Numeric, 7 positions

From Invoice Header table.


Invoice type

Alphanumeric, 1 position

From Invoice Header table:

I = invoice

C = credit


Record type

Alphanumeric, 1 position

01 = sale (one record for each Invoice Detail record)

02 = credit (one record for each Invoice Detail record)

03 = Shipping and handling

04 = Pay type (one record for each invoice payment method)

05 = additional charges


Sequence number

Numeric, 4 positions

Generated by the extract; restarts at 1 with each extract.


Customer number

Numeric, 9 positions

From Order Header table.


Order number

Numeric, 8 positions

From Invoice Header table.



Numeric, 3 positions

From the division associated with the source code on the Order Header.


Internet order

Alphanumeric, 1 position

I = internet order; otherwise blank. Based on the setting of the Internet order (Future use sts 1) field in the Order Header table; if this field is set to I, then the order is considered an internet order.


Invoice date

Numeric, 8 positions; YYYYMMDD format

From Invoice Header table.



Alphanumeric, 12 positions

From Order Detail table.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)


Alphanumeric, 14 positions

Three 4-position fields, separated by blank spaces.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Long SKU style

Alphanumeric, 20 positions

From the L/S style (Long SKU style) SKU table. If no long SKU style is specified for the SKU, then this field is blank.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Long SKU color

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

From the L/S color (Long SKU color) in the SKU table. If no long SKU color is specified for the SKU, then this field is set to 00000.

Note:  The L/S color in the SKU table is a numeric field.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Long SKU size

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

From the L/S size (Long SKU size) in the SKU table. If no long SKU size is specified for the SKU, then this field is set to 00000.

Note:  The L/S size in the SKU table is a numeric field.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Long SKU width

Alphanumeric, 5 positions

From the L/S width (Long SKU width) in the SKU table. If no long SKU width is specified for the SKU, then this field is set to 00000.

Note:  The L/S width in the SKU table is a numeric field.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

SKU second language description

Alphanumeric, 40 positions

From the Second language description if no second language description is specified for the SKU; otherwise, from the Second language description. If no second language description is specified for the SKU or the base item, then this field is blank.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Retail style number

Alphanumeric, 20 positions

From the Rtl style (Retail Style #) in the Item table. From the base item, if specified; otherwise, this field is blank.

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Quantity shipped

Numeric, 4 positions

The quantity shipped or returned, from the Ship qty (Shipped quantity) in the Invoice Detail table. Absolute value (i.e., both credits and invoices have positive quantities).

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Dollar amount

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal

Depending on record type:


Tax amount

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal

  • From the Tax in the Invoice Header table. The entire tax amount for the invoice is included in the first 01 or 02 record.

Note:  Absolute value (i.e., both credits and invoices have positive amounts).

01 (sale) and 02 (credit)

Additional charge code

Alphanumeric, 2 positions

From the Code in the Order Additional Charge table.

05 (additional charges)

Pay type

Numeric, 2 positions

From the Pay method in the Invoice Payment Method table. Not zero-filled (for example, pay type 9 is represented as 9, not 09).

04 (pay type)

Credit card number

Alphanumeric, 16 positions

From the Credit card # in the Invoice Payment Method table. Used only for credit card payment methods (payment category 2).

Note:  If you use credit card encryption, the credit card number will not be encrypted because the information in this table is extracted to an outside system.

04 (pay type)

Credit card expiration date

Alphanumeric, 4 positions

From the CC expiration date in the Invoice Payment Method table. Used only for credit card payment methods (payment category 2); otherwise, this field is set to 0000 for an 04 record.

04 (pay type)

Credit card authorization code

Alphanumeric, 6 positions

From the Auth # in the Invoice Payment Method table. Used only for credit card payment methods (payment category 2). Included on invoice records only.

04 (pay type)