Processing Ship-for-Pickup Orders in Store Connect

With this update, you can now process ship-for-pickup orders in Store Connect. The supported order flow for ship-for-pickup orders includes:

  • The Routing Engine now assigning ship-for-pickup orders, or items on ship-for-pickup orders, to sourcing locations if the items are not available at the customer’s selected pickup location.

  • Displaying ship-for-pickup orders at the New Orders screen for the sourcing location, and supporting accepting, picking, and shipping a ship-for-pickup order to the selected pickup location.

  • When the ship-for-pickup order is in transit to the pickup location, displaying the order at a new Ready to Receive screen in Store Connect. The associate can select the order, or scan the barcode from the pack slip, and receive the order at a new Receive Order screen.

  • Once the order is received, it is listed at the existing Ready for Pickup screen in Store Connect. If selected based on the new Print Pack Document at Receipt setting at the Store Connect Preferences screen, the packing slip is generated automatically at receipt and includes all order lines that have been received at the current store location, as well as any order lines that were sourced and picked at the current location.

If the pickup location is also the sourcing location, the order is available for selection at the Ready for Pickup screen after it’s accepted and picked, similar to a pickup order. In this case, the status is set to received after the order lines are picked.


It is possible to reject items received from the sourcing locations for ship-for-pickup orders. For example, it might be necessary to reject an item if it was damaged during shipment. You can specify standard operating procedures for quality assurance and possible rejection during the receiving process. When an order line on a ship-for-pickup order is rejected, Order Broker attempts to find another sourcing location, using standard brokering logic.

Additional screen modifications in Store Connect:

  • For the sourcing store location, ship-for-pickup orders are now listed at the New Orders, Ready to Pick, and Ready to Ship screens.

  • For the pickup store location, ship-for-pickup orders are now listed at the Ready to Pick Up screen.

  • For all locations, ship-for-pickup orders are now listed at the All Orders screen.

  • The Ship for Pickup order type is available for selection at the Search drawer. Note that, when searching based on Fulfilling Location, you need to enter the sourcing location rather than the pickup location, if different, to find a ship-for-pickup order.

  • The received status is now displayed at the View Full Order and the Order History screens.

  • For larger screens, the Customer title at the New Order, Ready To Pick, and Ready To Ship screens has been changed to Customer and Pickup, and the list now includes both the customer name and the pickup location, in the form of location code — location description. For smaller screens such as a phone or tablet, the pickup location is listed below the request ID.

  • A new Location Detail section is now included on the View Order, Pick Order, Ship Order, Receive Order, and Pick Up Order screens. This section lists the Placed at, Sourced from and Pick Up at location for the items at the current stage of order processing. For example, if the items on a ship-for-pickup order are in transit from a single sourcing location, the sourcing location is displayed. If the items are in transit from multiple sourcing locations, Multiple Locations is indicated; however, if the items are sourced from both location A and location B, but location B hasn’t shipped the items yet, then only location A is listed as the sourcing location. No sourcing location is displayed for a pickup order, and no pickup location is displayed for a delivery order.

Immediate order status update: Like pickup and delivery orders, ship-for-pickup order lines go immediately from new order to polled status when they are assigned to a Store Connect location. Also, when the sourcing location confirms shipment of the order or line to a Store Connect location, ship-for-pickup order lines go immediately from intransit to intransit polled status.


If any existing ship-to-store orders were converted to ship-for-pickup orders assigned to a Store Connect location, you need to manually update their statuses to intransit polled.

Email notifications: Provided the order is not under review, the Pickup Ready Email is generated for ship-for-pickup orders when the orders are received at the pickup location, as well as for pickup orders that are generated when the pickup order is picked. If the sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order is the same as the pickup location, its status is set to received when the items are picked, and the email is generated.

Email generation type settings: Changed the available settings for the Shipment Notification Email Generation Type, Pickup Ready Notification Email Generation Type, and Pickup Ready Reminder Email Generation Type fields at the Email tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen to:

  • Do Not Send: The email is not generated.

  • Standard Email Service: The email information is available for retrieval through the Email Out API so that you can use an external service to generate the email. See the Operations Guide on My Oracle Support (2114324.1).

  • System Generated Email: Order Broker generates the email.

    Default email generation type settings after upgrade: When you upgrade from a previous version that had a template specified for the email type, the email type defaults to System Generated Email; otherwise, the email type defaults to Do Not Send.

Also, added a Send New Order Notifications flag to the Email tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen. Set this flag to Yes to generate a new order notification email to the email address(es) specified for the assigned location. For a new Store Connect system, this flag defaults to Yes; however, if you upgrade from a previous version where no template was specified in the New Order Notification Email field, this flag defaults to No.

Printed documents:

  • If the pick list pull sheet is generated, it includes any selected ship-for-pickup orders. The packing slip includes the Pick Up Pack Slip Message defined at the Pick/Pack Preferences tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen for a ship-for-pickup order, but does not include the carrier or the return address.

  • A new Print Pack Document at Receipt flag at the Printing tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen enables you to define whether the Packing Slip is automatically generated when the pickup location receives a ship-for-pickup order. This preference can be set to Yes or No at the system location type, or location level, and can also be set to Not Defined at the location type and the location level.

  • A new Print Pack Document at Intransit flag at the Printing tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen enables you to define whether the Packing Slip is automatically generated when the sourcing location ships a ship-for-pickup order to the pickup location. This preference can be set to Yes or No at the system location type, or location level, and can also be set to Not Defined at the location type and the location level.