Browse Product Locations

Purpose: Use the Browse Product Locations window to review availability information for a product location, or to check the last time this information was updated.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

Product relationships: See Product, System Product and Product Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including product locations. Also, see the Product Locations screen for more information on how product locations are created in Order Broker.

Updated how? The availability information displayed at this screen can be updated by:

Order Broker uses the availability information displayed here to select a fulfilling location, or sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order, when:

Systems that use purchase order layering: The Next PO date and quantity listed might not reflect the date and quantity on the next open purchase order for a product if you integrate with a system such as Order Management System, which uses purchase order layering. In purchase order layering, the system accounts for the total quantity backordered to determine which purchase order might be able to fulfill a new order for the product. For example, the backorder quantity for a product is 115. There are 2 open purchase orders for the item, each with an order quantity of 100. Purchase order layering uses the date of the second purchase order as the Next PO Date since the full order quantity of the first purchase order is already fully committed to prior backorders. Also, it reports that the Next PO Quantity is 85, since the first 15 on the second purchase order is also already committed.


It is important to run the Batch Purchase Order Layering program (BPOL) in Order Management System before importing inventory information into Order Broker.

About attributes: The product attributes (Daily Sell Through Quantity, Sell Quantity/Multiple, Minimum Sell Quantity, Shrink Rate %, and Sales Velocity) are metrics that you can define for a product location in order to use them in probability rules. For example, you might want to display an available quantity of 0 if the actual available quantity is not more than the daily sell-through quantity for an off-line location. You can also have the Routing Engine use the Sales Velocity for product location ranking.

Additional attributes (Status, On Clearance, Selling Price, Cost, and Margin) can be used as part of LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering).

How to display this window: Click to highlight a product location at the Product Locations screen.


Only users with Products authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
review the next product location

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next product location.

review the previous product location

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) next to display the previous product location.

edit the current product location

Select Edit to advance to the Edit Product Location screen.

Fields at this window


All fields at this window are display-only.
Field Description
Informational fields:

The location code and name are separated by a hyphen (-).

System Product

The system product code. The name is not displayed.


The location type code. The name is not displayed.


The system code and name are separated by a hyphen (-).

Availability fields
Available Quantity

The quantity of the product available in this location as of the most recent update, before subtracting the Reserved Quantity and any Fulfilled Quantity, or applying any probability rules. This information can by updated through:

See the discussion above under Browse Product Locations for more information.

Up to 6 positions, and can be a negative number.

Order Broker uses this quantity to calculate the Available to Promise unless it receives an update from an online system.

Probability rules: Probability rules use the Available to Promise in tests, calculations, and results. See Probability Rule Wizard for background.

Reserved Quantity

The quantity on all order lines assigned to this product location that are in a status indicating the inventory is reserved for existing orders. The reserved quantity and any fulfilled quantity are subtracted from the Available Quantity to determine the Available to Promise quantity. Up to 6 positions.

You can use the System screen to select the statuses that indicate an order line is reserved.

In the case of ship-for-pickup orders, the reserved quantity is updated at the sourcing location.

The reserved quantity displayed here is 0 if there are no order lines in a selected status assigned to this product location.

For more information: See the Reservation tab at the System screen for information on selecting reserved statuses, and see Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Fulfilled Quantity

The quantity that has been fulfilled on delivery or pickup orders, or put in transit for ship-for-pickup orders, since the last fulfilled quantity export to the system, or inventory import from the system. The reserved quantity and any fulfilled quantity are subtracted from the Available Quantity to determine the Available to Promise quantity. Up to 6 positions.

In the case of ship-for-pickup orders, the fulfilled quantity is increased at the sourcing location when the pickup location changes the status to fulfilled.

Tracked when? The Track Fulfilled Quantity field at the System screen controls whether to track the fulfilled quantity and, if so, when to reset it.

For more information: See the Track Fulfilled Quantity field for a discussion of how the fulfilled quantity is tracked, and see Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Available to Promise

Used for: The quantity for the system to use when determining the available quantity to return in the LocateItems response and the product availability search, and to evaluate locations for order assignment. Up to 6 positions, and can be a negative number.

Calculation: Calculated by subtracting the Reserved Quantity and any Fulfilled Quantity from the Available Quantity for the product location.

When you update the Available Quantity at this screen and press the tab key, the screen updates the Available to Promise quantity based on your entry.

Probability rules: If a probability rule applies to the product location, it is calculated based on this quantity.

For more information: See Calculating the Available to Promise Quantity for an overview.

Next PO date

The next date when a purchase order for this product is expected for delivery.

Order Management System integration: The date is calculated using purchase order layering, in which the expected quantity on a purchase order may be “reserved” for older backorders. This information is not updated automatically from Order Management System each time you enter or maintain a purchase order. Some other activity, such as a change to the available quantity above or below the specified threshold, is required to trigger an update from Order Management System to Order Broker. See the Order Management System online help for more information.

Next PO Quantity

The number of units ordered on the next purchase order. This quantity can be up to 6 positions. It cannot include decimals.

Order Management System integration: This information is not updated automatically from Order Management System each time you enter or maintain a purchase order. Some other activity, such as a change to the available quantity above or below the specified threshold, is required to trigger an update from Order Management System to Order Broker.

Last Updated

The last date and time when this product location was updated through the product and inventory import process, Fulfilled Inventory Export, inventory inquiry, or interactively at this screen. Up to 6 positions.

Not updated when Order Broker updates the Reserved Quantity or the Fulfilled Quantity.


The following product attributes are available to guide selection of fulfilling or sourcing locations for orders:

Each of the product attributes are user-defined.

Daily Sell Through Quantity

Typically represents the average quantity of the product sold in this location on a daily basis. You might use this quantity as part of a probability rule that subtracts the daily sell-through quantity from the available quantity, especially if the location is in an offline system.

This quantity can be up to 6 positions, and must be a whole number. It cannot be a negative number.


The status of the product in this location. Informational only. Possible statuses are:

  • Active (default) = Can be ordered.
  • Inactive = Cannot currently be ordered.
  • Discontinued = Can still be ordered, but will be inactive at some point in the future.
Sell Quantity/Multiple

Typically represents the selling multiple for a product; for example, you might sell tires in quantities of 4. You might use this quantity as part of a probability rule that indicates to exclude a product location, or display an available quantity of 0, if the available quantity is lower than the sell quantity/multiple.

This quantity can be up to 6 positions, and must be a whole number. It cannot be a negative number.

You might also use the Minimum Sell Quantity to fulfill the same function.

On Clearance

Indicates whether the product is on clearance in this location:

  • Selected = The product is on clearance.
  • Unselected (default) = The product is not on clearance.

Used in LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) calculation. If you use LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) and this flag is selected, the Science Engine uses a selling price of .01 to calculate margin.

Minimum Sell Quantity

See the Sell Quantity/Multiple, above. This quantity can be up to 6 positions, and must be a whole number. It cannot be a negative number.

Selling Price

The single-unit selling price of the product in this location. Can be up to 19 positions with a 4-position decimal. It can also be 0, but cannot be a negative number, and should not include a currency symbol. Optional, but should be specified if Gross Margin is used in the LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) calculation.

Shrink Rate %

Typically represents the percentage loss experienced for the product in this location due to theft or breakage. You might use the shrink rate as part of a probability rule that reduces the available quantity by the shrink rate percentage.

This percentage can be up to 2 positions, and must be a whole number. It cannot be a negative number.


The single-unit cost of the product in this location. Can be up to 19 positions with a 4-position decimal. It can also be 0, but cannot be a negative number, and should not include a currency symbol. Optional, but should be specified if Gross Margin is used in the LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) calculation.

Sales Velocity

A numeric ranking you can use to indicate how well a product sells in a particular location. You can use the sales velocity ranks assigned to product locations as part of the criteria for selecting fulfilling or sourcing locations for orders, either through standard or weighted brokering. Numeric; 2 positions with an optional 2-position decimal. Can be blank, or any number from 0 to 99.99. See the Standard Brokering or Weighted Brokering tabs at the Preferences screen for more information.


The Selling Price minus the Cost. If no Cost is specified, the Margin is equal to the Selling Price. If a Cost is specified, but no Selling Price, the Margin is negative. If no Cost or Margin is specified or if you set them to 0, the Margin is blank or 0.0000. System-calculated when either the Selling Price or Cost is entered. Display-only.