Using Maximum Daily Order Assignment

Purpose: You can specify the maximum number of delivery or ship-for-pickup orders to assign to a location on a daily basis.

Example: Location 10 cannot be assigned more than 10 orders a day, while location 20 cannot be assigned more than 15 orders a day.

Delivery and ship-for-pickup orders only: The maximum daily order restriction applies to delivery or ship-for-pickup orders only. There is no daily limit to the number of store pickup orders that can be assigned to a location.

When a location is over the daily maximum: If a location has met or exceeded the maximum number of orders for the day, the Routing Engine:

  • does not include the location in the locate items search results for a delivery or ship-for-pickup order unless it is the requested location; see Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order

  • does not assign a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, or a line on a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, when a submit order message does not specify a fulfilling location

  • does not assign a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, or a line on a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, when the current assigned fulfilling or sourcing location rejects the order (“reshop”)

These restrictions apply regardless of whether the location has the inventory on-hand, or is flagged as Backorder Available.

Tracking daily order count: The Routing Engine uses a counter for the location to track the number of delivery and ship-for-pickup orders assigned for the day. This counter is not displayed on any screen.

  • Counter increased when? The daily order count increases when a delivery or ship-for-pickup order is initially assigned, or when an order is reassigned through reshopping. The counter for a location increases by one regardless of:

    the number of lines on the order being assigned to the location

    • the quantities currently on the order lines

    • whether the order is split across multiple locations

    • whether the Routing Engine assigns the order, or the location was specified in the submit order message, or selected in order maintenance when you are assigning the order to a different location


    The counter is not increased for store pickup orders, or for selection as a pickup location for a ship-for-pickup order.
  • Counter not decreased: The daily order count does not decrease if an order is rejected or canceled.

  • Counter is at the location level: Even if you specify a Maximum Number of Orders for a location type, the Routing Engine tracks order assignment for each location separately and does not combine the order totals across the location type.

  • Reset daily: The Routing Engine checks the daily order count date for the location each time an order is assigned, and starts the counter over at one if the last daily order count date is not the current date. Like the order counter, the daily order count date is not displayed on any screen.

Overriding the order limit: Even if a location is not eligible for automatic delivery or ship-for-pickup order assignment based on the daily order count, you can still:

  • Request current inventory in the location by requesting the location specifically in the locate items search request (using the requested_location, or “favorite store” element)

  • Assign a delivery or ship-for-pickup order by specifying the location in the submit order request message

  • Select the location through order maintenance, if you have the required authority

When you assign a location that has already met or exceeded the daily order limit, the Routing Engine continues to increase the daily order counter for the location.


No maximum applies to the Default Unfulfillable Location where the Routing Engine assigns unfulfillable orders.

Setup through preferences: To use the maximum daily order assignment option:

  • Select Use Maximum Order Limits at the Preferences screen.

  • Specify the Maximum Daily Orders for the organization, and optionally at the location type level or the location level. A setting of 0 indicates that there is no limit to the number of orders that can be assigned to a location, while a setting of Not Defined indicates to check at the next level of either the location type or the organization.

When evaluating whether a maximum applies, the Routing Engine checks the Maximum Daily Orders setting for:

  1. the location; otherwise,
  2. If the Maximum Daily Orders is Not Defined for the location, check the location type; otherwise,

  3. if the Maximum Daily Orders is Not Defined for the location type or the location, use the organization setting.