17 Pack Slip

Purpose: The contents of the pack slip are described below.

How to generate: Select View Packing Documents from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right at the Pick Order, Ship Order, Pick Up Order, Ready to Pick, Ready to Ship, and Ready to Pick Up screens. This option is also available from the View Order screen when the order has already been accepted; it’s not available when you select View Order from the New Orders screen.

Generated automatically? Depending on the configuration for your organization or store location, the packing slip is generated automatically when you accept, pick, ship, receive, or pick up an order.

Use barcode for scanning order at receiving? If you receive a pack slip for a ship-for-pickup order, you can scan the barcode on the pack slip at the Ready to Receive screen to advance to the Receive Order screen, where you can confirm receipt of the order.

Window width: In Chrome, the pack slip is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

Fields Description
Order Number

The originating order number is an unlabeled field at the top right, below a barcode.

Ship To:

The name and address of the customer receiving the shipment. Includes the:

  • company name, if any
  • first, middle, and last name, if any
  • first two address lines
  • apartment or suite number
  • city, state, postal code, and country code
  • attention line, if any

For a delivery order, this is the customer’s name and shipping address.

For a ship-for-pickup order, this is the name and address of the pickup location, as submitted by the system where the order originated.

If the name and address were edited at the Edit Ship To Details window, the updated information prints here.

Sold To:

The name and address of the sold-to customer. Includes the:

  • company name, if any
  • first, middle, and last name, if any
  • first two address lines
  • apartment or suite number
  • city, state, postal code, and country code
Order Type

Either Delivery Order, Pickup Order, or Ship For Pickup Order.

Printed Date

The date when the packing slip was printed.

Order Date

The date when the order was created in Order Broker.

Order Number

The originating order number.


The carrier assigned at order creation to ship the order, regardless of whether a different carrier was selected when the order was shipped. Included only for a delivery order.

Pack Slip Message (unlabeled field below the customer number)

The pack slip message, if any. Can be multiple lines of text. Up to four total lines of order message and gift message text can be displayed, or up to 255 positions (characters and spaces). Your system administrator can define a pack slip message for delivery orders, and a different pack slip message for pickup or ship-for-pickup orders.

Gift message (unlabeled field below the order message)

The gift message, if any. Can be multiple lines of text.


If there is both an order message and a gift message, the first line of the gift message starts on the last line of the order message.
Express Shipping

Displayed if the carrier originally assigned to the delivery or ship-for-pickup order is flagged as an express shipper.

For each order line on the pack slip:


When the pack slip is generated at receiving, it lists the lines on the order that have been received (but not yet picked up) at your current location, either previously or in your current session. If any items on the order didn’t need to be received because they are available at your current location, and have been picked, these items are listed as well. If an order line was split (for example, assigned to two different sourcing locations because no single location had a sufficient quantity to source), then there is a separate line on the pack slip for each partial quantity of the order line.

The code identifying the item.


The description of the item.


The quantity of the item to ship. Note:

  • If you initiate a partial pickup or a partial ship (reducing the quantities) and then view the pack slip, the pack slip reflects the old quantities because you haven't committed the change. 

  • If you cancel or reject a quantity when picking, picking up, or shipping, the pack slip reflects the quantities after the cancel or reject, because cancelling or rejecting takes effect immediately. 

  • When you use the X to close an action screen such as the Ship Order, Pick Order, or Pickup Order, if you performed a reject or cancel, that action has already taking place. As a result, closing the page with X just prevents the picking or shipping update, but the cancel / reject happens immediately after you enter the reason code and click OK.


The unit price for the item. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

Ext. Price

The customer’s extended price for the item (quantity * unit price).

Information for the item may also include:

This label indicates that the following lines are the customization instructions for the item, including:

  • a code identifying the type of customization, such as monogramming, ink color, or script
  • the customization instructions themselves

The total handling charges for the item are listed in the Extension column; however, no prices print if the order is flagged as a gift.

Return Address

The return address for the organization. Not included for a ship-for-pickup order.