Purchase Order Inquiry

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Inquiry screen to search for and review purchase orders.

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Inquiry from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

How to display purchase orders on this screen

When you first advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, no purchase orders are displayed. Click Search to display purchase orders matching your search criteria or to refresh the purchase orders displayed.

View by purchase order or item: You can use the View Results By option to switch the information displayed:

  • Purchase Order: displays information about the entire purchase order, such as shipping address. With this view, if the purchase order includes more than one line, the Due Date displayed is the earliest original or revised due date for all unshipped, uncanceled items. This is the default view.
  • Item: displays information about the line(s) on the purchase order, such as your item number, the retailer’s item number, and the ordered quantity.

Most of the same information is displayed whether you view results by purchase order or by item. The information always displayed includes the purchase order number, the retailer’s order number, and the date when the retailer created (entered) the purchase order.

Sort order: The purchase orders are sorted first based on the retailer’s PO created (entered) date. Within that date, they are sorted by the date and time when the purchase order was submitted to you for fulfillment.

How to view purchase order updates? Click Search to refresh the screen and show current purchase order information.

Customer data replaced with asterisks? Customer data, including name, company, address, phone numbers, and email addresses, on closed purchase orders can be replaced with asterisks. Often, the retailer purges this data a specified number of days after the purchase order is shipped or canceled.

How many records displayed? The screen displays up to 500 purchase orders or items.

Option Procedure
search for purchase orders and display customer and other header-level information
  • Leave the View Results By option set to Purchase Order.
  • Optionally, you can enter any search criteria at the top of the screen. See below for descriptions.
  • Click Search.

The screen displays up to 500 purchase orders.

search for purchase orders, and include item information among the information displayed
  • Set the View Results By option to Item.
  • Optionally, you can enter any search criteria at the top of the screen. See below for descriptions.
  • Click Search.

The screen displays up to 500 lines on purchase orders.

Case: The enterable fields on this screen are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of po123 matches a purchase order number of PO123.

view more information about the purchase order

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) next to a purchase order or item to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can view information about the purchase order such as:

  • sold-to and ship-to customer names and addresses
  • ship via and shipping instructions
  • order totals and messages
  • lines, including any special handling instructions or item-related messages
  • purchase order line history
  • invoices that include any lines on the purchase order

If you have the required authority, you can also advance to the Edit Purchase Order Item window, where you can flag a line for hold or revise the due date.

  • If the Purchase Order screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected purchase order is displayed.
  • The information displayed at the Purchase Order screen is related to the purchase order as a whole, regardless of whether you have been reviewing results by item or by purchase order.
Fields Description
Search fields

Optionally, complete any of the fields below before you click Search to display purchase order or items that match your entries.

View Results By

Controls whether the information in the Result fields includes information about the entire purchase order or the lines on the purchase order. If you set this option to:

  • Purchase Order (default): The information displayed includes:

    • the earliest Due Date from the lines on the purchase order

    • the Order Status

  • Item: The information displayed includes:

    • the Item #, Retailer Item #, and Ordered Units

    • the Due Date for the line

    • the Line Status

Regardless of whether you search by purchase order or item, the results displayed always include the PO Number, Order Number, and Customer Ship To.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system to display purchase orders that start with or match your entry. Can include numbers, letters, spaces, or special characters. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Date Created

Optionally, use the calendar control to select the PO entered date provided by the retailer to display purchase orders with that entered date. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal. The Vendor Portal confirms that the date you enter is formatted correctly for your locale.


Select a status to display purchase orders or lines that are in the selected status.

View Results By setting: If the View Results By option is set to Purchase Order, purchase orders that match the selected status are displayed; otherwise, if the View Results By option is set to Item, lines in the selected status are displayed.

Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: The retailer has cancelled the line or the entire purchase order.
  • Complete (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include a combination of Cancelled and Shipped; there are no remaining open lines.
  • Held: You have held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation or to be sent through the vendor integration; or, if the purchase order line was already in process, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the purchase order or line, or sent the purchase order to the integrated system (and acknowledged, if required) if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated pack slips for the purchase order or line, or sent the purchase order if you use the vendor integration. If you use the vendor integration and are configured to require acknowledgment, the purchase order might have been sent but not yet acknowledged.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.
  • Shipped: You have confirmed shipment of the purchase order or line.


If you switch the View Results By setting, your selection in this field is cleared, because possible line statuses differ from possible purchase order statuses.
Item #

Your item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or items if the items start with or match your entry. For example, if you sell items ABC111 and ABC123, entering ABC1 matches both of these items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or items if the retailer’s item codes start with or match your entry. For example, if the retailer has item codes XYZ222 and XYZ234, entering XYZ2 matches both of these retailer items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a retailer item number of A12345.

Due Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to display purchase orders or lines whose original (not revised) due dates match your entry. When searching by:

  • purchase order: select a due date to display purchase orders whose earliest original due date (not revised due date) matches your selection.
  • item: select a due date to display lines whose original due date (not revised due date) matches your selection.
Result fields
PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Customer Ship To

The name from the shipping address on the purchase order, including the customer’s first and last name, or the company name, or both.

Customer data replaced with asterisks? Customer data, including name, company, address, phone numbers, and email addresses, on closed purchase orders can be replaced with asterisks. Often, the retailer purges this data a specified number of days after the purchase order is shipped or canceled.

Item #

Your item number or code. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display a description of the item.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item. Hold the pointer over the Retailer Item # to display the retailer’s description of the item.

Date Created

The PO entered date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Due Date

When View Results By is set to:

  • Purchase Order: the earliest current (original or revised) due date for an unshipped, uncanceled line on the purchase order. No due date is displayed if all items on the purchase order are shipped or canceled.
  • Item: the original (not revised) due date for the line.
Order Status

The status of the purchase order. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order. See the Status, above, for more information.


The state where the purchase order ships. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order.


The code identifying the country where the purchase order ships. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order.

Postal Code

The postal or zip code where the purchase order ships. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order.

Line Status

The status of the line on the purchase order. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item. See the Status, above, for more information.

Ordered Units

The total number of units of the item to ship. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item.


Click the Display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.