1 Store Connect Overview

Purpose: Use Store Connect to accept, pick, and confirm fulfillment for orders that Oracle Retail Order Orchestration has assigned to your store location. Order types you can fulfill through Store Connect are:

  • Delivery orders: The order needs to be shipped to the customer.

  • Pickup orders: The customer comes to the store to pick up the order.

  • Ship-for-pickup orders: The customer comes to the store to pick up the order, but the merchandise can be shipped to the selected pickup location from another location. The processing steps differ depending on whether the items on the order are sourced at a different location (the sourcing location) or the items are available in the same location where the customer picks them up.

Your system administrator determines whether your current store location can fulfill delivery orders, pickup orders, ship-for-pickup orders, or all order types.

Logging into Store Connect: If you are assigned to more than one store location, then you need to select the store location where you are currently working when you log into Store Connect. If you need to change store locations after logging in (for example, if you logged into store A and you meant to log into store B), you need to log out of Store Connect and then log back in.

Note that you should not have Store Connect open in more than one browser tab.

Processing Pickup Orders

Pickup order processing steps: The steps in processing a pickup order are described briefly below. Note that, with the exception of the All Orders screen and the View Full Order screen, the screens mentioned below display orders and items only if they are assigned to your current store location and eligible for the related processing step, such as accepting the order.

  1. Accept order: When you first log into Store Connect, you see the New Orders screen. You can accept one or more pickup orders for processing from this screen. You can also accept an individual new order at the View Order screen.

    Depending on the configuration for your organization and your store location, a Pick List Pull Sheet may be generated for you to use when picking one or more orders.

  2. Pick order: You can pick the items for an accepted pickup order by selecting it at the Ready to Pick screen and advancing to the Pick Order screen. The option to pick an order is also available at the View Order screen, if the order has been accepted, as well as the View Full Order screen, if the order is assigned to your current location. A pickup notification email is sent to the customer when you pick a pickup order.

  3. Confirming pickup: You can confirm pickup for a pickup order by selecting the order at the Ready to Pick Up screen and advancing to the Pick Up Order screen.

    Depending on the configuration for your organization, you can perform a partial pickup if, for example, the customer is prepared to pick up one item on the order but would like to return tomorrow for another, larger item.

After pickup: When you confirm that the customer has picked up a pickup order, the order is no longer displayed on the processing screens in Store Connect, although you can still review it through the All Orders screen.

Packing slip: At any of the above steps, the Packing Slip may be generated automatically, based on the configuration for your organization. You can also generate the Packing Slip on demand, after the order is accepted and is still open, by selecting View Packing Documents from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right of the screen.

Processing Delivery Orders

Delivery order processing steps: The steps in processing a delivery order are described briefly below. Note that, with the exception of the All Orders screen and the View Full Order screen, the screens mentioned below display orders and items only if they are assigned to your current store location and eligible for the related processing step, such as accepting an order.

  1. Accept order: When you first log into Store Connect, you see the New Orders screen. You can accept one or more delivery orders for processing from this screen. You can also accept an individual new order at the View Order screen.

    Depending on the configuration for your organization and your store location, a Pick List Pull Sheet may be generated for you to use when picking one or more orders.

  2. Pick order: You can pick the items for an accepted delivery order by selecting it at the Ready to Pick screen and advancing to the Pick Order screen. The option to pick an order is also available at the View Order screen, if the order has been accepted.

  3. Shipping the order: You can ship a picked delivery order by selecting the order at the Ready to Ship screen and advancing to the Ship Order (or Ship Order Manually) screen. Depending on the configuration for your organization and your store location, you can use either normal shipping, which uses an integration with a shipping service that typically assigned a tracking number and generates a carrier-compliant label, or manual shipping.

    Depending on the configuration for your organization, you can perform a partial shipment if, for example, an item on the order is not currently available, or an item that you already picked is damaged. The barcode shipping label can also be generated at shipment if configured for your organization and if you are using normal shipping.

    The weight, box size, and carrier are all required for normal shipping; for manual shipping, you can enter the tracking number.

After fulfillment: When you ship a delivery order, the order is no longer displayed on the processing screens in Store Connect, although you can still review it through the All Orders screen. When a delivery order is fully or partially shipped, the customer receives a shipment confirmation email.

Packing slip: At any of the above steps, the Packing Slip may be generated automatically, based on the configuration for your organization. You can also generate the Packing Slip on demand, after the order is accepted and is still open, by selecting View Packing Documents from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right of the screen.

Processing Ship-for-Pickup Orders

The steps in processing a ship-for-pickup order are described briefly below. As noted above for delivery and pickup orders, with the exception of the All Orders screen and the View Full Order screen, the screens mentioned below display orders and items only if they are assigned to your current store location and are eligible for the related processing step, such as accepting or picking the order.

Ship-for-pickup order processing steps: A ship-for-pickup order differs from a pickup order in that the items for the order can be sourced by a different location. For example:

  • If the sourcing location differs from pickup location: A customer places an order and wants to pick up item A from store 1. Store 1 supports pickup of orders, but doesn’t have item A in stock.

    • Order Orchestration selects store 2 to source the order. If you work in store 2, when you log in, you see the order on the New Orders screen.

    • In store 2, you accept the order and pick it, as described above for delivery and pickup orders.

    • You then ship the order to store 1, as described above for delivery orders, except that the shipping address is the pickup store.

    • In store 1, the order is now listed at the Ready to Receive screen. Its status indicates that it’s in transit.

    • When the order arrives in store 1, a store associate finds the order at the Ready to Receive screen, and then uses the Receive Order screen to confirm receipt.

    • The order is then listed on the Ready to Pick Up screen, and a pickup notification email is sent to the customer.

    • You use the Pick Up Order screen to confirm pickup when the customer arrives to pick up the order.

  • If the sourcing location is the same as the pickup location: A customer places an order and wants to pick up item B from store 1, which has the item in stock. Order Orchestration selects store 1 to source the order. Because the sourcing and pickup location are the same, the shipment and receipt steps aren’t necessary.

    • If you work in store 1, when you log in, you see the order on the New Orders screen.

    • You accept the order and pick it, as described above.

    • The order is then listed on the Ready to Pick Up screen, and a pickup notification email is sent to the customer.

    • You use the Pick Up Order screen to confirm pickup when the customer arrives to pick up the order.

See above for more information on generating packing documents.

Canceling or Rejecting an Order or Item

Canceling an order or item: You can cancel an order if the customer does not want to receive it. Order Orchestration does not attempt to find another location for the order. You need to specify the reason for the cancellation.

If your organization supports it, you can cancel individual items on an order, or a partial quantity of an item. Otherwise, you need to cancel the entire order.

You can’t cancel an item on a ship-for-pickup order when it’s in transit to your store location for pickup. Once you receive the item, you can cancel it.

Rejecting an order or item: You can reject an order if the items are not available at your current store location. If it’s a delivery order, or if the sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order rejects the order, Order Orchestration attempts to find another location to ship the items to the customer or to the pickup location. If it’s a pickup order, the order is not reassigned.

If your organization supports it, you can reject individual items on an order, or a partial quantity of an item. Otherwise, you need to reject the entire order.

Printing Documents

Depending on the configuration for your organization and store location, Store Connect generates the following documents. You can print them using the standard print options in your browser.

  • Pick List Pull Sheet: Designed to help you pick the items for new orders when you accept them.

  • Packing Slip: Can be included in the carton for shipment of a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, or with the items at pickup of a pickup or ship-for-pickup order.

  • Barcode shipping label: Can be attached to the carton for shipment of a delivery or ship-for-pickup order. Generated only when you use normal shipping and if configured for your organization.

If the Order is Under Review

When an order is flagged as under review, it is not eligible to be picked up, shipped to the customer, or shipped to the pickup location; however, you can still accept, pick, or receive an order that is under review.

Email Summary

Store Connect generates the following types of emails to the customer, if configured for your organization:

  • pickup ready notification: Generated when items on a pickup order are picked, or when items on a ship-for-pickup order are picked (if the sourcing location is the same as the pickup location) or received (if the sourcing location ships the items to the pickup location), as described above, if your organization supports it.

  • pickup ready reminder: Generated if your organization supports it, based on whether the items on a pickup or ship-for-pickup order have been ready for pickup for longer than the number of hours defined when the emails are generated for your organization. These emails might be scheduled to go out every day, or at some other interval, until the customer picks up the order.

  • shipment confirmation: Generated when a delivery order is shipped. Includes the tracking number, and indicates which items are included in the shipment.

Also, Order Orchestration generates a notification email to the email address specified for your location when any orders are assigned to your location, if configured for your organization.

Session Timeout

If your Store Connect session is inactive for an amount of time defined by your system administrator, you see a warning window indicating when the session will time out. If your session remains inactive and your session times out, you can log back in, and will need to select your current store location again.

Note that you should not have multiple Store Connect sessions open at the same time in different browser tabs.

If you have another session for a related application, such as Order Orchestration, when you log out or are timed out of one application in the same browser, you are logged out of all related applications. Then if you log back into one application, you can also log back into the others by reloading the page for each.

Screen Icons

You can use the following screen icons: