12 Warehousing

Docked but Past Due Purchase Order Report

How to print: Complete the Docked But Past Due Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • dock date range

  • purchase order number

  • vendor number

  • vendor name

  • due date

  • docked date

Finished Good/Component On Hand Report

How to print: Complete the Finished Good/Component On Hand Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Warehouse

  • Item

  • SKU

  • Item description

  • Kit quantity (the quantity of the component item needed to make up the finished good)

  • On hand quantity

  • Reserved quantity

  • Back order quantity

  • On order quantity

Finished Good Explosion Report

How to print: Complete the Finished Goods Explosion Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Warehouse code and description

  • Finished good item

  • Finished good SKU

  • Finished good on hand quantity

  • Finished good reserved quantity

  • Finished good backorder quantity

  • Component item

  • Component SKU

  • Component on hand quantity

  • Component kit quantity (quantity needed to make up the finished good)

  • Component requested quantity

Inventory Receipt Exception Report

How to print: Complete the Print Inventory Receipt Exception Report Screen. This report sorts by vendor, then by purchase order number with vendor, and page breaks by purchase order number.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Vendor number and description (this is the parent vendor number related to the vendor number on the purchase order header)

  • Purchase order number from the item transaction history

  • Purchase order entry date

  • Purchase order due date

  • Item number from the item transaction history

  • SKU code from the item transaction history

  • Item description

  • Purchase order quantity from the purchase order detail line

  • Purchase order receipt quantity

  • Inventory transaction reason code from the item transaction history (only inventory transaction reasons 96, 97, 98, and 99 print on this report)

  • Item transaction history date (the date the item transaction history was created)

  • Cost from the item transaction history

Inventory Transaction History Report

How to print: Use the Print Inventory Transaction History Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • Warehouse

  • Item/SKU

  • Transaction date

  • Transaction time

  • Location. Two separate transactions print for transfer transactions, one showing the 'transfer from' location and one showing the 'transfer to' location. The location field is blank for issues of non-inventory or drop ship items, or for * transactions.

  • Transaction code

  • Transaction quantity

  • Old on-hand quantity

  • New on-hand quantity

  • Cost. This is the unit cost if you use standard or average costing, and it is the extended cost of the transaction if you use FIFO costing. If the person generating the report does not have authority under the Display Cost in Inventory (A38) secured feature, the Cost is not included on the report.

  • Inventory transaction reason code

  • User ID

  • V
  • Net total. The net total for the transaction quantity column. The net total is useful if you selected a specific transaction code at the Print Inventory Transaction History Screen.

See Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH) for complete field descriptions.

On Hand by Vendor by Warehouse Report

How to print: Complete the On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen with the By warehouse/by warehouse vendor field set to Whse vendor and with no Vendor specified.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. Please note that a subgrouping by vendor and warehouse might have the vendor and warehouse headings repeat within the subgrouping; this occurs in cases where the subgrouping flows to a second page in the PDF version of the report. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • warehouse number and description

  • vendor number, based on the primary vendor identified for the item, regardless of whether this vendor or a different vendor actually sold you the inventory. This report starts a new page for each warehouse/vendor combination.

  • item code

  • SKU code, if any

  • vendor/item code

  • vendor/item description

  • the total quantity of the item/SKU returned from the customer to the warehouse month-to-date

  • the total quantity of the item/SKU shipped from the warehouse month-to-date

  • the total quantity of the item/SKU adjusted (using an inventory transaction code of A) in the warehouse month-to-date

  • the total quantity of the item/SKU received on purchase orders month-to-date (this quantity is updated when you place the stock, rather than when you dock a purchase order or place inventory in suspense)

    • Cost: the standard, average, or FIFO cost on the report, based on the Costing Method (A25) system control value. If the appropriate cost is not specified in the SKU table, the report uses the cost from the Item table. If you use FIFO costing, the unit cost of each item/SKU is not listed, only the extended cost, calculated as the totals of FIFO layers (see Using FIFO Cost Layer Inquiry (WFCF))

    • Retail: This report does not currently support printing the retail price.

    • Vendor list: the vendor/item price for the item’s primary vendor. No vendor/item price is listed if the item has no primary vendor, or if there is no vendor/item for the primary vendor.

    • blank: There is no cost or price information.

  • The extended cost or vendor list price for the item/SKU

  • Totals for the vendor and warehouse:

    • quantity returned month-to-date

    • quantity shipped month-to-date

    • quantity adjusted month-to-date

    • quantity received month-to-date

    • quantity on-hand

    • total of all unit costs or vendor/item prices

    • total of all extended costs or vendor/item prices


  • This report does not currently support printing the retail price.

  • The vendor is 0 for kit items.

  • The report does not perform currency conversion when the vendor’s currency is different from your own; in this situation, the unit and extended vendor/item prices may be incorrect.

  • The vendor/item price is zero for kit items.

On Hand by Warehouse Report

How to print:  Complete the On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen with the By warehouse/by warehouse vendor field set to Whse or with a Vendor specified.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


This report is also available as a spreadsheet file, which you can open in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel®. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information. Please note that a subgrouping by warehouse might have the warehouse headings repeat within the subgrouping; this occurs in cases where the subgrouping flows to a second page in the PDF version of the report. See Reports Available in Spreadsheet Format for more information.


  • Warehouse: Number and description.

  • Item

  • SKU code, if any.

  • Description: Item description, even if this is a SKU.

  • On Hand Quantity: Total on-hand quantity for the item/SKU; does not include any purchase orders that are docked or received into suspense.

Based on your entry in the Print cost field at the On Hand by Warehouse List Prompt Screen, one of the following:

  • Cost: The standard, average, or FIFO cost on the report, based on the Costing Method (A25) system control value. If the appropriate cost is not specified in the SKU table, the report uses the cost from the Item table. If you use FIFO costing, the unit cost of each item/SKU is not listed, only the extended cost, calculated as the totals of FIFO layers (see Using FIFO Cost Layer Inquiry (WFCF)).

  • Retail Price: The most current price for the item/SKU, based on the latest Effective date that is not in the future. Also, the Current Offer (A33) must still be active, based on the End (End date) for the offer. If the item has SKUs, a price is listed only if there is a SKU Price record; if the item does not have SKUs, the price from the Item Price record is listed. The price does not include any discounts, price breaks, promotions, or other factors that affect selling price.

  • Vendor List: the vendor/item price for the item’s primary vendor. No vendor/item price is listed if the item has no primary vendor, or if there is no vendor/item for the primary vendor.

  • blank: There is no cost or price information.

  • Extension: The extended cost, retail price, or vendor list price for the item/SKU. Set to 0.0000 if you did not select an option in the Print cost field.


  • On Hand Quantity: The total on-hand quantity in the warehouse.

  • Extension: The total extended cost, retail price, or vendor list price in the warehouse for all the items/SKUs.


  • The report does not perform currency conversion when the vendor’s currency is different from your own; in this situation, the unit and extended vendor/item prices may be incorrect.

  • The vendor/item price is zero for kit items.

Purchase Orders in Docked Status Report

How to print: Enter PDPO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Docked Purchase Orders from a menu. See Printing the Purchase Orders in Docked Status Report (PDPO).

For more information: A sample report will be provided by Oracle at a later date.


  • purchase order number

  • vendor number

  • vendor name

  • docked date

Verify Inventory Sharing Report

Purpose: The Verify Inventory Sharing report lists the items in the sharing warehouse that are not setup correctly for inventory sharing.

The Inventory Sharing (A69) system control value defines whether a company will fulfill orders from another company’s inventory. When this system control value is selected, the Sharing warehouse and Shared company/warehouse fields appear on the Create, Change, or Display Warehouse screens.


  • The Shared company and warehouse is the company and warehouse that contains the actual inventory. This is the company and warehouse that shares inventory with other warehouses in other companies. In this company, you select the Sharing warehouse field for the shared warehouse.

  • The Sharing company and warehouse is the company and warehouse that does not contain inventory, and instead, points to the shared company and warehouse. In this company, you set the Shared company/warehouse fields for the sharing warehouse; these fields correspond to the actual shared warehouse in the other company.

How to print: In the sharing company (the company that does not contain the inventory), enter a sharing warehouse and select OK at the Verify Inventory Sharing Screen (VISH).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Warehouse: A code for the sharing warehouse you entered at the Verify Inventory Sharing Screen. This is the warehouse that does not contain the actual inventory, and instead shares inventory with a specified sharing company and warehouse.

  • Inventory sharing company: A code for the shared company that shares inventory with the sharing warehouse. This is the company that contains the shared warehouse where the actual inventory is located.

  • Warehouse: A code for the shared warehouse in the company that shares inventory with the sharing warehouse. This is the warehouse where the actual inventory is located.

  • Item: A code for an item that is not setup correctly for sharing inventory.

  • SKU: The SKU of the item that is not setup correctly for sharing inventory.

  • Not in company: An X indicates the specified item/SKU does not exist in the shared company (the company that contains the warehouse where the actual inventory is located).

  • Not in sharing warehouse: An X indicates the specified item/SKU does not exist in the shared warehouse (the warehouse where the actual inventory is located).

  • Total items: The total number of items in the sharing warehouse. This is the warehouse that does not contain that actual inventory.

  • Total errors: The total number of items in the sharing warehouse that need to be set up correctly for shared inventory. The Not in company and Not in sharing warehouse columns on the report indicate why the item is in error.

Where Kit Component Item Used Report

How to print: Complete the Where Finished Good Component Item Usage Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Component item

  • Finished good item

  • Finished good item SKU

  • Kit quantity (the quantity of the component item needed to make up the finished good)

Where Set Component Item Used Report

How to print: Complete the Where Set Component Item Usage Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • Component item

  • Set item

  • Set SKU

  • Set quantity (the quantity of the component item need to make up the set)

  • Cost percent (the percentage of the set's cost that this item comprises)

  • Coordinate group number

Where Variable Set Component Used Report

How to print: Complete the Where Variable Set Component Usage Screen.

For more information: See the sample report  in PDF format.


  • Component item

  • Variable set item

  • Variable set SKU

  • Group

  • Group description

  • Number of items (the number of units the customer must order from this group)

Work Order Error Listing

This report lists each work order detail line in error and the reason why the error occurred. You can use this report to fix each work order detail line that was in error and then recreate the work order.

How to print: Select Print Errors on the Create Work Order Details Screen.

Sample report: A sample of this report will be provided at a later date.


  • Work order number
  • Warehouse number and description
  • Kit name and description
  • Kit quantity
  • Sequence number
  • Component item and SKU
  • Component description
  • Kit quantity
  • Total quantity
  • Location
  • Error reason

Work Order Ticket

Purpose: The work order ticket provides information about a finished good work order including:

  • the work order number and its expected due date
  • the finished good and its component items
  • the component locations and quantities taken from each
  • the quantity of components damaged during the work process

How to print: On the Work with Work Orders Screen, select Print Ticket for the work order you wish to print a ticket for, or select Print All Unprinted to print all tickets that have not yet been printed for existing work orders.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


  • work order number
  • item/SKU number
  • item description
  • warehouse
  • buyer
  • date printed
  • order quantity
  • date ordered
  • date due
  • component/SKU
  • component description
  • quantity per finished good
  • quantity required per location
  • location
  • quantity pulled
  • workorder pulled by
  • produced by
  • received in workcenter by (a workcenter is an area within the warehouse where the finished good is assembled)
  • total hours
  • item
  • waste product (a component that was damaged during the finished good work order process)
    • waste product quantity
    • waste product location
  • bind (a binder used during the finished good work order process)
    • bind quantity
    • bind location
  • total quantity
  • total location
  • receipts
  • receipt date
  • receipt quantity
  • receipt location
  • reviewed by
  • inspected by
  • entered by