Service Request Administration Tasks

This section lists the tasks for the task group called "SR Admin Tasks." This task group covers all the diagnostic tasks and the operations and arguments specific to them. These tasks are based on the existing RPASCE utilities. The output from these tasks are used for diagnostic purposes.

These operations are supported as part of diagnostic tasks:

  • Package Logs

Figure 5-56 Service Request Administration Tasks

Description of Figure 5-56 follows
Description of "Figure 5-56 Service Request Administration Tasks"

The Package Logs task create packages at a predetermined location on the back-end server that is identified by the application property, r_oat_sr_dest. This path must already exist and sufficient permissions granted to RPASCE Daemon for create/update/delete operations. This path must be outside of the RPASCE application and preferably on a separate mount. This path is used exclusively for this SR operation.

Table 5-3 Service Request Administration Task

Administration Task Name Administration Task Type Description


Package Logs

Used to copy the user sessions and OAT task logs and package them into a zip file

Package Logs Task

The Package Logs task is used to copy the OAT task logs and package them into a .tar.gzfile. The output package is named as logpackage_task_<timestamp>.tar.gz for OAT tasks logs. Note that the existing package file will be overwritten.

Task Label

This is the label for the task.

Figure 5-57 Package Log Options

Description of Figure 5-57 follows
Description of "Figure 5-57 Package Log Options"

Select tasks to include their logs

Logs of the selected tasks are packaged.


The log format is logpackage_tasks_<timestamp>.zip.