Integrating User Information

RPASCE applications rely on OCI IAM for user authentication and authorization. Users are created, deleted, and assigned roles within OCI IAM. Those users who have been granted the authentication role for an RPASCE application are given access to the application with the set of application privileges granted by the user roles that user has been granted in OCI IAM. Additionally, users granted the administrator role in OCI IAM are also allowed access to the administrative functions of the RPASCE application and granted super user rights that supersede the rights of the application roles they may have.

As a result, the integration of user information between multiple RPASCE applications or between an RPASCE application and another Oracle Retail application is entirely a matter of role membership within OCI IAM. Users granted the authorization role for multiple RPASCE applications will have access to those applications, with application privileges determined by the application roles for those applications.