2 Getting Started

System Options

System options are used to control behavior in Pricing, configure the duration that historical price events will be retained, and provide some defaulting for new events. The first time that pricing is opened after provisioning, these options should be configured in order to ensure that all pricing foundation and events created follow the desired behavior.

Price Events

System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Price Event Processing Days




Represents the minimum number of days required between the create date and the effective date for all price events. This system option also defines when promotions are communicated to external systems. Unlike price changes and clearances that are communicated on approval, promotions wait until closer to the effective date since there tend to be more last-minute changes to promotions than other types of events. Price events that are created with an effective date closer than this number of days from the current date are considered "emergency" changes. Valid values are 1-999.

Single UOM Used for All Items



Indicates that all prices in your business will be in terms of the same selling unit of measure (UOM). It is recommended that a value always be set for this system option unless you do have varying selling units of measure for your business, as this will save users a step of having to enter a unit of measure and prevent potential errors. Valid values for this system option are pulled from the Merchandising units of measure.

Note: once a value is initialized, the system option will be disabled and cannot be updated.

Offer End Date Required




Indicates whether an end date on a promotional offer is required. Valid values are checked (1) or unchecked (0). If checked, then all promotional offers will require an end date before they can be approved.

Allow Reward List Exclusions on Transaction Offers




Determines whether or not exclusions can be defined for transaction level offers. The reward list exclusion allows you to indicate whether or not there are certain items that should not have the discount applied, if on the customer's transaction. If this is checked (1), then users will be allowed to add exclusions to the rewarded items on a transaction offer. If unchecked (0), then the option to add exclusions will be hidden.

Allow Clearance and Promotion Overlap




Indicates whether or not promotional offers will be allowed to apply to items on clearance. If this is set to checked (1), then promotions can be applied to clearance items. If this is set to unchecked (0), then the "Apply To" option when creating promotional offers will default to "Regular" and be hidden.

Note: if this value is changed from unchecked to checked, then after saving the update the option will be disabled and cannot be updated.

Reset Clearance with Price Change




Indicates whether or not a price change will be able to be created for an item/location currently on clearance or that will be on clearance on the price change effective date. If this option is not checked (0), then a reset will need to be created and approved first before any new price changes can be created. If it is checked (1), then you will be able to create a price change for an item/location that is currently or will be on clearance, resetting it to regular price and changing the regular selling price in one update.

This option has a dependency on the Zone/Parent Ranging system option. If that option is set to unchecked (0), then this parameter must have a value of checked. Similarly, if this option is set to unchecked, the Zone/Parent Ranging parameter must be checked (1).

Note: after this value is initialized, the option will be disabled and cannot be updated.

Markdown Value Required on Clearances




Determines whether or not it is required that a markdown value (e.g. First, Second, etc.) is defined for clearance markdowns and resets. If this option is set to checked (1), then the markdown value must be defined when creating a new markdown. If this is set to unchecked (0), then it is not required.

Allow Multi Unit Pricing




Determines whether multi-unit pricing functionality will be used in both Merchandising and Pricing. Valid values are unchecked (0) or checked (1).

Allow Supplier Site and Brand for Offer Item Selection




Defines whether the supplier/brand merchandise level are enabled when creating offers. Valid values are: unchecked (0) or checked (1). This value should be set based on what your selling solutions can support. If integrating with Xstore POS, this should be set to unchecked.

Publish Promotions Upon Approval




When Publish Promotions Upon Approval is unchecked, the system sends Offers downstream when the start date of the approved offer is within the period between today and today plus the Price Event Processing Days. 

When Publish Promotions Upon Approval is checked, the system publishes offers for downstream systems when the offer is Approved.

Conflict Checking

System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Run for Submit




Determines whether or not conflict checking will be run for price changes and clearances when an event is submitted. If unchecked (0), then conflict checking will only apply when attempting to approve a price event or updating an approved event. When checked (1), it will apply both when submitting and approving.


System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Zone/Parent Ranging




Defines whether or not transaction level item/location ranging is required when creating price events, including regular price changes or clearance, at higher levels. For example, when setting up price changes at zone and parent level, it checks that at least one store or warehouse in the zone has an item/location relationship defined for at least one transaction item in the parent to ensure that price changes are not set up on items where nothing is sold.

If this system option is checked (1), when a user creates a price change or clearance at a level higher than transaction item/location level, there must be at least one item/location ranged on the event. If not, then there will be an error raised when the event is created. If this system option is not checked (0), then ranging validation will only be performed on price events created at the transaction/location level and ranging checks will not be performed on events created at any other higher level.

This system option has a dependency on the Reset Clearance with Price Change option. If the Zone/Parent Ranging option is unchecked, then the Reset Clearance with Price Change option must be checked. Similarly, if the Reset Clearance with Price Change option is unchecked, then the Zone/Parent Ranging option must be checked.

Note: after this value is initialized, the option will be disabled and cannot be updated.

Recognize Warehouses as Locations




Controls whether or not warehouses can be added to zones, or be added to price changes and clearances. If unchecked (0), then price for your warehouses will not be impacted by price changes and clearances. If checked (1), then price will be managed at warehouses and warehouses can also be individually added to events.

Note: if this value is changed from unchecked to checked, then after saving the update the option will be disabled and cannot be updated.

Data Retention

System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Executed Price Changes Months




Defines how many months executed price changes will be retained. Valid values are 1-24 months. Note: when the process runs to remove executed price changes, it will remove a whole month at a time. So, some events may be retained slightly longer than the number of months defined here.

Executed Clearances Months




Defines how many months executed clearances will be retained. Valid values are 1-24 months. Note: when the process runs to remove executed markdowns and resets, it will remove a whole month at a time. So, some events may be retained slightly longer than the number of months defined here.

Expired Price Change and Clearance Days




Defines how many days that expired price changes, markdown, and resets will be retained. An expired event is defined as an event that has passed its effective date and is still in Worksheet, Submitted, or Rejected status. Valid values are 1-999 days.

Data Filtering

This section of system options is only displayed if the Merchandising system option Data Level Filtering Enabled is checked (Y).

System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Clearance Cadence Templates - Merchandise Hierarchy Level




Holds the merchandise hierarchy level used for filtering of cadence templates. Valid values are division (D), group (G), department (P), class (C) or subclass (S). If null, then data filtering by merchandise hierarchy is not applied for this entity.

Clearance Cadence Templates - Organizational Hierarchy Level




Holds the organizational hierarchy level used for filtering of cadence templates. Valid values are chain (C), area (A), region (R), or district (D). If null, then data filtering by organizational hierarchy is not applied for this entity.

System Defaults

System defaults allow you to set up certain defaults for each price event type that will be used by default when new events are created. Users will be able to override them on a particular event, but adding defaults can help cut down on errors if you want your users to always enter price events in a particular way.

Price Change

System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Item Level




Indicates the default level that items will be added to price changes. If a value exists for this system option, then when an event is created, the item level will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are Item, Parent/Diff, Upload List, and Item List.

Diff Type



Indicates the default diff type that will be used if the item level on a price change is Parent/Diff. If a value exists for this system option, then when an item is added, the diff type will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are based on the diff types defined in Merchandising.

Change Type



Indicates the change type that will be used by default when creating a price change. If a value exists in this system option, then when an event is created, the change type will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are: Change by Percent, Change by Amount, Fixed Price, or Reset POS.




Provides a default for the reason code on a price change, but can be changed by event, if needed. Valid reasons are managed using code type PCRC. For more information, see "Pricing Codes and Descriptions".


System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Item Level




Indicates the default level that items will be added to markdowns and resets. If a value exists for this system option, then when an event is created, the item level will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are Item, Parent/Diff, Upload List, and Item List.

Diff Type



Indicates the default diff type that will be used if the item level on a markdown or reset is Parent/Diff. If a value exists for this system option, then when an item is added, the diff type will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are based on the diff types defined in Merchandising.

Change Type



Indicates the change type that will be used by default when creating markdowns and resets. If a value exists in this system option, then when an event is created, the change type will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are: Percent Off, Amount Off, and Fixed Price.




Provides a default for the reason code on a clearance markdown, but can be changed by event, if needed. Valid reasons are managed using code type CMRC. For more information, see "Pricing Codes and Descriptions".

Markdown Value for Resets




Defines which of the clearance markdown values is used to represent a clearance reset. It will also be used to determine which options to hide from the Markdown list when creating or editing a clearance markdown. This value will also be used to default the Markdown value when adding a clearance reset. Valid values for this option are managed using code type MKDN. For more information, see "Pricing Codes and Descriptions".


System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Item Level



Indicates the default level that items will be added to promotional offers. If a value exists, then when an offer is created, the item level will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are All Departments, Department, Class, Subclass, Parent/Diff, Item, Item List, and Upload List.

Diff Type



Indicates the default diff type that will be used if the item level on an offer is Parent/Diff. If a value exists, then when an offer is created, the diff type will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are based on the diff types defined in Merchandising.

Discount Type



Indicates the default discount type for promotional offers. If a value exists, then when an offer is created, the discount type will default to this value, but can be changed. Valid values are Percent Off, Amount Off, and Fixed Price.

Cancel Reason



Provides a default for when a promotional offer is cancelled by a user. Valid reasons are managed using code type OFRC. For more information, see "Pricing Codes and Descriptions".

Report Options

System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Critical Count of Unapproved Price Changes




Indicates the number of unapproved price changes that will be considered critical in the Price Changes Pending Approval dashboard report. If the number is less than the values in this system option, the tile for the report on the dashboard will be green. If the number is greater than or equal to this value, the tile will be yellow. Valid values are 1-999.

Critical Count of Unapproved Clearances




Indicates the number of unapproved markdowns or resets that will be considered critical in the Clearance Pending Approval dashboard report. If the number is less than the values in this system option, the tile for the report on the dashboard will be green. If the number is greater than or equal this value, the tile will be yellow. Valid values are 1-999.

Critical Count of Item/Locations with Cost Above Retail




Indicates the critical count of item/location combinations for which a cost event will impact the pricing cost resulting in a pricing cost that is above the retail. This will determine at what count the dashboard tile for the ‘Item/Locations with Cost Above Retail’ dashboard report will display as blue, yellow or red. If the count is zero the tile will display as blue, if the count is greater than zero but less than the critical count provided in this option, the tile will display as yellow. If the count is greater than or equal to this option, the tile will display as red. Valid values are 1-999.

System Administration

System Option Optional? Re-configuration Restricted? Default Value Description

Auto Purge of Conflict Check Working Tables




Determines if the conflict check engine will automatically purge working data from the processing tables at the end of processing. Valid values are checked (1) or unchecked (0).

Price Change Maximums - Groups for Download or Search Results




Specifies the maximum number of price change groups that are returned the search results of the Price Change Group Search screen. Valid values are 1-999.

Price Change Maximums - Upload Chunk Size




Maximum number of uploaded price change events to be processed in a single thread for uploads from a spreadsheet, the web service, or via batched upload.

Clearance Maximums - Groups for Download or Search Results




Specifies the maximum number of clearance groups that are returned the search results of the Clearance Group Search screen. Valid values are 1-999.

Clearance Maximums - Upload Chunk Size




Maximum number of uploaded clearance events to be processed in a single thread for uploads from a spreadsheet, the web service, or via batched upload.

Promotion Maximums - Search Results




Specifies the maximum number of promotions that are returned the search results of the Promotion Search screen. Valid values are 1-999.

Promotion Maximums - Promo Upload Chunk Size




Indicates the number of rows that will be processed by any one thread when uploading promotional offers.

Event Maximums - Price Inquiry Search Results




Indicates the maximum number of rows that the price inquiry search results table can display.

Outbound Integration Methods Used – Bulk Data Integration (BDI)




Indicates whether the Bulk Data Integration (BDI) option will be used for outbound Pricing integration.

Outbound Integration Methods Used – Flat File




Indicates whether the Flat File option will be used for outbound Pricing integration.

Outbound Integration Methods Used – Retail Data Extract (RDE) / Retail Data Store (RDS)




Indicates whether the Retail Data Extract (RDE) / Retail Data Store (RDS) option will be used for outbound Pricing integration.

Outbound Integration Methods Used – Store Inventory Operations (SIOCS) Direct Pull




Indicates whether the Store Inventory Operations (SIOCS) option will be used for outbound Pricing integration.