Results Panel - List View

When no selection is made in the Grouping panel, the Results Panel displays notifications in a list format.

The image below shows a simple search without any filtering or grouping.

Figure 1-10 Results Panel - List View

Results Panel - List View
  1. Indicates that one filter was applied.

  2. Notification Type - A description of the Type is displayed.

  3. Read/Unread - A blue icon is shown next to the notification if it is unread.

  4. Notification Severity - A label indicating the severity of the notification is shown.

  5. Description - The description associated with the notification. If the notification was designed to launch into a relevant flow, then this is displayed as a link. Otherwise, the description is rendered as plain text.

  6. Creation Time - A timestamp that shows the date and time at which the notification was created.

  7. User name - Creator of the notification.