
This section details the steps involved in setting up the external dependency.

  1. Navigate to the Batch Administration screen and select the schedule to which the external dependency will be added.

    Figure 3-6 Batch Administration Screen

    Batch Administration Screen

  2. Select a Cycle - Nightly/Recurring/Standalone.

  3. Find the Process/Job combination to which dependency needs to be added.

  4. Click on the Job name to open the Batch Job Details panel.

    Figure 3-7 Batch Job Details

    Batch Job Details

  5. On the External Dependency section of the screen, click the Add button to create the external dependency.

  6. Provide the external job name.

    Figure 3-8 Add External Dependency

    Add External Dependency

  7. Click Ok to save and exit or Ok and add another to create another dependency.