
A Batch Cycle is a logical collection of flows. Cycles are categorized into 3 groups,

  1. Ad hoc/Standalone

    The jobs that can run multiple times a day on an as-needed basis are classified as Ad hoc cycles. Such processes are allowed to run independent of other processes in a Flow/Cycle

  2. Recurring/Hourly

    Recurring or Hourly jobs are a special group of jobs which run multiple times a day at scheduled intervals.

    Example: The sales processing jobs in RMS support trickle processing by running every 30 minutes during the store trading hours. The schedule is pre-loaded with 24 cycles. Each cycle can have one or more flows where each flow is a set of jobs. The recurring cycles are time triggered from the Scheduler. Based on the client's business operations, the individual flows of each cycle will need to be scheduled. If any flow/cycle is not used then it has to be disabled as the nightly cycle will not start until the enabled cycles are all complete.

  3. End of Day/Nightly

    This contains the set of jobs that are executed at end of the business day. The nightly cycle is time triggered from Scheduler. The nightly cycle will start only when all the loaded recurring flows are complete.