Execution Request Status Tracking

The following endpoints provide the ability to check the status of an execution request in POM:




Note: Replace <pom-server-host> according to the target environment.

<scheduleName>: Name of the schedule. For MOM apps, the schedule name is "MERCH". For RDE, the schedule name is "RDE".

<executionId>: ID of the execution request returned by POM when execution request was submitted.

HTTP Headers

Content-Type = application/json

Accept-Version = 16.0

Authorization: Bearer <<OAuth_Token_FROM_IDCS_or_OCI_IAM>>

Response Body

  • executionId - ID of the execution request

  • scheduleName - Name of the schedule for which this execution request was created.

    Sample values: MERCH, RDE, and so on.

  • cycleName - Name of the Cycle for which this execution request was created.

    Sample values: Nightly, Hourly, or Adhoc.

  • flowName - Name of the Flow for which the execution request was created

    Sample Values:

    For Ad hoc Cycle: Adhoc

    For Nightly Cycle: Nightly

    For Hourly Cycle: Name of the flow such as DEAL_PURGE_CYCLE, and so on.

  • processName - Name of the Process for which the execution request was created.

    Sample Values:

    For Ad hoc: Name of the process such as POINDBATCH_PROCESS_ADHOC, and so on.

    For Nightly/Hourly: Always set to "ALL".

  • requestParameters - Parameters associated with the execution request.

  • status - Status of the execution request.

  • Possible Values:

  • QUEUED: Request is queued up for execution.

  • RUNNING: Jobs from this request are being executed

  • ERROR: One of the job in this request has failed. Note that a failed job would be restarted by POM Admin; there is no need to re-submit the execution request.

  • COMPLETED: All jobs from this request were executed successfully.