Action Menu and Icons

See Action Menu and Icons for common actions that can be performed through the Action menu and the icons. You can also perform the following actions:

Table 2-1 Batch Jobs - Actions Menu/Icons and Description

Actions Menu/Icons Description


Use the Actions > Hold or the Hold button to put the process on hold.


Use the Actions > Skip or the Skip button to skip the process.


Use the Actions > Run or the Run button to run the process immediately.


Use the Actions > Rerun or the Rerun button to run the job again.


Use the Action > Kill or the Kill button to stop the execution of the job.

The job needs to be running for this action to be enabled.

When the Kill command is enacted on the screen, one of two confirmation messages opens depending on whether a cleanup script is associated with the job being killed.

If a cleanup script is associated with the job, the confirmation message presented is: "A cleanup will be performed after this job is terminated. It is advisable to wait a few minutes after termination before proceeding with the remaining batch schedule." This is because it may take a minute or so for the cleanup to complete.

If a cleanup script is not associated with the job, the user is cautioned to make sure he or she is sure about proceeding without a cleanup script. That may be acceptable, as not all jobs require cleanup when terminated. The confirmation message in this case is: "There is no post termination cleanup script associated with this job. The job will be terminated but no post cleanup will be performed. This may or may not be ok for this job. Check with Oracle Support if this is a concern."

Edit Parameters

Use the Actions > Edit Parameters or the Edit Parameters button to edit the parameters for the job. The new parameters are only effective for the current day's batch run.