Override Execution Request Status

The next AMS Utility is Override Execution Request Status.

Occasionally, a job in the POM's Execution Engine gets stuck with a status where manual intervention is needed. This is to reset the status and get the job running for instance. This screen is used for this purpose.

Figure 2-45 Override Job Execution Status

Override Job Execution Status

Select the schedule and the cycle to display all jobs for those selections in the Jobs table.

Select the row in the Details table for which you intend to override the status and click the Change Status button or select Change Status from the table's Actions menu. The Change Status popup is displayed.

Change Status Popup

You are required to enter a comment justifying overriding the job's current status.

Notice the warning message. An administrator needs to understand the impact of overriding the current status as it may lead to data corruption if an unintended action takes place.