Schedule Tiles

Each schedule tile displays information for a batch schedule that POM is responsible for running.

Select a tile to display the list of batch processes for that schedule.

Each panel displays the following information:

Figure 2-3 Schedule Tile

Schedule Tile


  • A red tile with a red cloud indicates that a new schedule version upgrade has failed. Navigate to the Schedule Maintenance screen by clicking on the View Upgrades button to address the failure.

  • A blue spinner in the top left of the tile (2) indicates that the schedule is in the process of being upgraded to a new version. The user can navigate to the Schedule Maintenance screen by clicking on the View Upgrades button to check the progress of the upgrade.

    When a schedule is being upgraded or when the schedule upgrade has failed, the user is prevented from most activities on the Batch Monitoring and on the Batch Administration screen.

    Some features are disabled while a schedule is being imported
    Some features are disabled while a schedule is in a failed state
  • An orange tile indicates that there is no instance of the schedule for the selected business date.

  1. Schedule name and Version - Displays the abbreviation of the application or application group and the software version.

  2. Run Status - Displays the status of the batch processes.

    • Completed (green check mark icon)

    • Active (green target icon)

    • Error (red X icon)

    • No activity (amber triangle icon)

    • Suspended (pause icon)

  3. Schedule Upgrade - A grey cloud indicates that a newer version of the batch schedule is available.

    A red cloud indicates that schedule upgrade has failed. Navigate to the Schedule Maintenance screen to address the failure.

    A blue spinner indicates that a schedule upgrade is in progress.

  4. Monitoring Cycles and Statuses - Displays the number of completed and total processes for each monitoring cycle.

  5. Last Schedule Date - Indicates the last date on which the batch processes were configured.