
The standalone monitoring cycle includes the following information for each batch. Refer to the Nightly cycle above for an explanation of each field:

Figure 2-37 Standalone Batch List

Standalone Batch List
  • Enabled

  • Job - Click the Job to open the batch in the Batch Job Details screen.

  • Process Name

  • Application

  • Module

  • Parameters

  • Active Parameter

  • Job Type - Job Type of 'EXEC' Indicates that the job executable is shell script based. All other job types, such as 'BDI', 'RI', and so on, indicate that the job is service-based. Service-based job types require different configurations than shell-script based.

  • Kill Cleanup Script - Name of a script that will be executed after the kill is performed. This is an optional field as not all jobs require cleanup after termination.

  • External Status Update

  • Skip On Error

  • Threshold Run Time (Seconds)

  • Notes

  • Job Name

  • Job Wrapper Name

  • Days of the Week