3 Common POM Agent

The POM Agent is a lightweight, schedule agnostic component that executes jobs requested by the POM application and returns a status back upon job completion. In a traditional deployment model, Agents are deployed with their associated retail applications in their own namespace within the same container.

The POM deployment model also provides for the provisioning of a common agent within the same namespace as the POM application in the rgbu-common CoD. This enables various applications to run their ReST-based batches on this agent without the need for deploying their own Agent. This simplifies the applications footprint and their POM adoption. As the POM Agent is capable of running ReST Jobs from multiple Schedules, the common agent makes it possible for multiple applications to use this single common agent for executing batch. Customers can create their own custom schedules and configure those to use this common agent to execute their batch. See Custom Schedules for more information.