Typical Override Usage

Some examples of custom Permissions overrides that are typically applied by clients are listed here.

Audits & Visits

  • Remove permissions rules, to prevent Restricted Auditor users from being able to complete Audits.
  • Add permissions, to:
    • Make the Audit Due Date field and Audit Issue Due Date read-only to supplier users.
    • Enable supplier users to complete and unlock Checklists.

Suppliers and Sites

  • Add permissions, to:
    • Hide the Details/Other field sets in Supplier and Site records from supplier users.
    • Hide the Change History and Custom Fields tabs in Supplier and Site records from supplier users.
    • Hide the Sites and Linked Sites tabs on the Supplier and Site records from Restricted Auditor users.
    • Make the Custom Fields tab in Site records read-only to supplier users.
    • Make the Name and Address fields in Supplier and Site records read-only to supplier users.