Frequently Asked Questions

This section lists frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the process to report issues with Xstore Office Cloud Service (XOCS)?

    Answer: Issues must be reported through the standard Oracle ticketing system.

  2. How do we deploy xadmin.war/xcenter.war changes in the feature?

    Answer: We do not allow changes to the war files. Refer to the Customization and Extension Considerations chapter for customization capabilities.

  3. Store register(s) are enrolled in IDCS or OCI IAM for integration with Xstore Office Cloud Services. Are there any other considerations for POSPoll upload and so on?

    Answer: Once a store is enrolled, Xenvironment/Xstore and so on are integrated to communicate with XOCS using OAuth. Pospoll upload will also happen using the same protocol.

  4. Any limitation on sending large volume of data via WS? Any recommendations?

    Answer: XOCS REST APIs support chunking - the ability to upload parts of a file at a given time.

  5. We can not deploy foundation data through the Xadmin UI, as there is no Store setup as part of initial provisioning process.

    Answer: See Data Seeding and Web Service Access and Usage.

  6. How can we configure Xcenter connection in for Xstore/Xstore Mobile?









    Answer: No changes are required here. Please enroll this store by following the Xenvironment Store Enrollment steps.

    For more information, see the Oracle Retail Xstore Office Cloud Service Security Guide, chapter Cloud Enrollment of Xstore Clients, section Xenvironment:

    Any necessary properties will be automatically populated after this process is complete.

  7. How can we configure a new organization ID in Xcenter? Currently the configured organization ID is 1.

    Answer: For more information, see the Adding Additional Organization IDs section.

  8. How can we load data to Xcenter DB if currently there is no Xstore Office on-premises installation (so DMU tool cannot be used)?

    Answer: Using REST APIs and Xadmin UI. Follow these steps:

    1. Create the Setup OAuth Client following these steps:

      For more information, see the Creation of the Setup OAuth Client in IDCS or OCI IAM section in the Oracle Retail Xstore Office Cloud Service Security Guide.

    2. Setup Xstore Office Cloud Service. For more information, see the Setup Xstore Office Cloud Service chapter in this document.

  9. How can we manage XOCS dataloader changes?

    Answer: You can upload updated table schemas via the Customizations UI and load data in those tables via the REST APIs. See the Customization and Extension Considerations chapter in this document.

  10. How has Xstore Office Cloud Service been configured (1 app - 1 db?)? Is there any “always on” configuration in order to manage automatic failover?

    Answer: This is managed by the Cloud Service. Cloud services have Active Passive DR support. An identical environment called DR is kept in sync with PROD and on standby. Xstore Office Cloud Service is deployed in a cluster of servers with load balancing.

  11. I enrolled the registers for Xstore Office Cloud Service and Windows is restarted, not only the application. Is this correct?

    Answer: Restarting the Xstore during the enrollment is to be expected. The application is trying to sync the config path updates, system properties updates, and database updates (that is IDCS or OCI IAM credentials) across all the registers (non lead registers), xservices and so on within the store.

  12. What needs to be added to get IDCS or OCI IAM to sync a user with XOCS?

    Answer: Since XOCS 19.0, the "sync" has been changed to run every 60 mins (by default). The “sync” is a bit of a misnomer, in that it only pulls down updates/additions/deletions made to the users in IDCS or OCI IAM. Once you create the user in IDCS or OCI IAM, also ensure that you “assign” that user the “User Access" AppRole.

    For XOCS 20.x (or higher) environments:

    This would need to be done to the RGBU_XTROFFCS_PRDXX_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_STGXX_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_DEVXX_XOFFICE (or RGBU_XTROFFCS_UATXX_XOFFICE) App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_PARXX_XOFFICE (where XX represents an index number) depending on the environment (Prod, Stage or Dev (or Uat) or Par) to which the user is to be given access. In that app, go to the Application Roles tab and Assign the user to the "User Access" AppRole.

    For XOCS 19.x environments:

    This would need to be done to the RGBU_XTROFFCS_PRD_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_UAT_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_DEV_XOFFICE depending on the environment (Prod, UAT or Dev). In that app, go to the Application Roles tab and Assign the user to the "User Access" AppRole.

  13. We need to extract records from COM_FLIGHT_INFO table from XOCS cloud and I think XOCS provides a way to extract information from table via DTX WS call right? Something like:


    where <tenancy_id> references the prod, stage or dev (or uat) environment.

    Answer: You have to supply the entire primary key to use that syntax. If you want to list all items from the query, you have to run a DTXQL query. The syntax for DTXQL can be found in the Query Configuration chapter in the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Frameworks & Technologies Guide.

    The syntax for running a query can be found in the Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide in the ReSTful Web Services chapter, section GetByQueryResource.

  14. Is it possible to get via web service?

    Answer: Yes, through the File Resource REST API.

  15. Can I use DTXQL against the custom table?

    Answer: Yes – you can use DTXQL for custom tables.

  16. I would like to use DTXQL to apply some constraints about query. But I cannot make it work, moreover, I cannot find any answer in documentation/XSD files, that it would be actually possible.
    1. a. Joining twice to properties table.

      I have multiple properties in customer table. I want to use two of them in a query. However there seems to be no way to use <Join> twice with the same table, since framework is not able to distinguish them.

    2. Using NOT IN/NOT EXISTS operator.

      Customer may be assigned to multiple groups (crm_customer_affiliation). I want to select a customer which is NOT assigned to any of given groups (passed as list).

    3. Grouping conditions (nested AND/OR)

      User may specify customer’s province. If any is specified, only customers with given province should be found. If parameter is missing, only customers with NO province should be found. In SQL it should be like:

      […] WHERE (argProvince is null AND customer.province is null) OR (argProvince is not null AND argProvince=customer.province)

      Is there any way to manage given scenarios without converting whole query to RAW SQL?

      Answer: Raw SQL is not supported in Xstore Office Cloud Service. The limitations identified have been resolved in 19.0.

  17. We are trying to create the "App" account for Xstore using curl. In our documentation it asks for the customer's "Provision ID". They do not seem to have that. The only information they have is Subscription ID. Is this the same?

    When running Curl we are getting a 401 error.

    Answer: You can use DEFAULT for the provisioning ID.

    The user credentials used when creating this app must have an IDCS or OCI IAM Role of "Application Administrator" or "Identity Domain Administrator", so only privileged users can invoke this API.

  18. When creating the application user in IDCS or OCI IAM for Xstore to logon to Xstore Office Cloud Service, is there a specific application(s) that need to be assigned to the user?

    Answer: For the user to be able to log into Xadmin, these are the steps in the Oracle Retail Xstore Office Cloud Service Security Guide in the Security Considerations for Developers chapter, section Creation of Users.

    In IDCS or OCI IAM:
    1. Create the user.

    2. In the menu/left frame select Oracle Cloud Services.

      For XOCS 20.x (or higher) environments:

      Look for the RGBU_XTROFFCS_PRDXX_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_STGXX_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_DEVXX_XOFFICE (or RGBU_XTROFFCS_UATXX_XOFFICE) App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_PARXX_XOFFICE (where XX represents an index number) depending on Production or Staging or Development (or UAT) or Partner.

      For XOCS 19.x environments:

      Look for the RGBU_XTROFFCS_PRD_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_UAT_XOFFICE App OR RGBU_XTROFFCS_DEV_XOFFICE App depending on Production or UAT or Development.

    3. In that app go to the Application Roles tab and Assign the user (see link above) to the "User Access" AppRole.

    In Xadmin:
    1. Since XOCS 19.0, the Xadmin Sync job that syncs users between IDCS or OCI IAM and Xadmin has been changed to run every 60 mins (by default).

    2. Once the Sync has finished, the Admin user, goes to the User Management screen in Xadmin where the "synced" user will show up. Click on that User and grant a Role/Org Hierarchy/Org Id and so on.

    3. Once this is done, the new user can log in.

  19. When configuring Xstore to speak to Xcenter we have enrolled the register. Do we need to populate the user and password in the Xstore DatasourceConfig.xml or will that be set during enrollment?

    Answer: When you enroll Xstore via Xenvironment, an OAuth Client is created and details returned to Xenvironment. Once Xenvironment reboots, it and other Xstore registers all use that same set of credentials to communicate with Xcenter using REST APIs. No additional configuration (other than Store Enrollment) is required.

  20. After dropping a file to be autodeployed, how would we know how many records were successfully processed by the dataloader?

    Answer: The logs that are generated by dataloader (summary.ini, sucess.dat, failures.dat and dataloader.log) for each dropped file are available to be downloaded through the File REST API.

    Example: https://<host>:<port>/<tenancy_id>/xcenter/rest/DEFAULT/20/file/autodeploy/{org}/archive/{folder_with_dropped_file_name}/dataloaderLogs

    where <tenancy_id> references the prod, stage or dev (or uat) environment.

    The above URL lists all the log files that are available for the processed file.

    Example to download a particular log file:


    where <tenancy_id> references the prod, stage or dev (or uat) environment.


    See the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Host Interface Guide for more information about the DataLoader and the logs that are generated. See the Oracle Retail Xstore Suite Services Guide for more information on the File REST API's.