About Gross Sale Calculations

There are other SystemConfiguration.xml parameters that affect Gross Sale calculations:

  • <IncludeSalesTaxInGrossSales dtype="Boolean">true</IncludeSalesTaxInGrossSales>

    When true, the sales tax amount is included as part of the total Gross Sales amount.

  • <GrossSalesOptions dtype="Default">

    1) <EnforceExcludeFromNetSalesFlag dtype="Boolean">false</


    2) <ExcludeReturns dtype="Boolean">false</ExcludeReturns>


1) If the itm_non_phys_item.exclude_from_net_sales_flag value is set to true for certain non-physical items, this configuration value determines whether or not the system enforces the exclusion of the sales amount of this item from the total gross sale amount as well.

2) When true, return amounts are not included in the total gross sale amount.