About This Guide

The Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Classic User Guide describes how to perform the POS functions available in Xstore Classic.

Desktop users should refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service User Guide for operating instructions on the Desktop UI.


Xstore Classic will no longer have any investment in it from release version 23.0 although Oracle will continue to support bugs under the Lifetime Support Policy.

The operating guide for the classic desktop version is broadly separated into two halves: the first half can be found in this guide covering the functions of the point of service such as sale transactions, item and transaction modifiers, such as discounts and price overrides, multiple tender types, item lookup, gift card sales, and inquiry and serialized item support.

The second part of the operating guide covering the point of service maintenance functions can be found in the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Classic Manager’s Guide. These functions are usually performed outside of a sale. Store employees can perform non-customer facing activities within the store such as start and end day, banking, employee role and security maintenance, time and attendance maintenance along with analytical reporting.