27 Store Open and Close

When a store is physically opened at the start of the day, Xstore Point of Service may also perform a store open process to get ready for the day. The store must be opened to allow registers to be opened and to allow business transactions in the system.

When the store is physically closed at the end of business hours, Xstore Point of Service may also run a store close to prevent the operation of certain business functions. From an application perspective, the store close process clears daily data, accepts downloads from corporate headquarters, purges old data, runs reports, and prepares your store to open for a new day.

All cash registers must be closed before the store close process can be run. See Register Open and Close for the register close process.

Figure 27-1 Open Registers

Open Registers

The store close is divided into several separate processes. If the system must be restarted, any completed process, any process that ended with errors, or any process that was skipped is not re-processed.