16 Logs

This chapter describes the integration setup within EICS to Integrate with other systems.

EICS Log Debug Settings

EICS debug settings apply to EICS-server, JET-Admin-UI and MAF-mobile-UI.

The server would be the main place for debug logging. Accessing logs is only via filesystem at least for EICS logs. WebLogic logs can be viewed in the console, if needed.

If a log level change is needed to troubleshoot a problem, in addition to, changing debug settings, restarting the server is required.

Debug Configuration file: sim-server-resources.jar -> logback.xml

Server: For the server debug, it's possible to access through MBeans (JMX), otherwise it requires changing deployed files, which means restarting the server.

JET Admin UI (EICS): Does allow for changing logging through the browser console, but this would be after application startup. So, any logging for the start/login processes would need the configuration on the server to be changed (deployed).

MAF UI (SOCS): would require a new build and tools to access the logs.

Server Log File Locations

Table 16-1 Server Log File Locations

# Log Type Log Location


EICS application log

Server: <eics weblogic server>

Log directory:


For example:


sim.log, sim.1.log, …, sim.log.log


(For clustered environment, need to check all nodes log locations)


Domain and admin server log

Server: <eics weblogic server>

Log directory:






Application server log

Server: <eics weblogic server>

Log directory:


For example:



