6 Frequently Asked Questions

This chapter provides answers to frequently asked questions.

Cloud Account Activation

Since the SIOCS cloud services are installed using the default OCI IAM domain details, it is important to ensure any activation concerns are resolved during the pre-provisioning/provisioning period, as making changes after your SIOCS cloud services are provisioned may require extended downtime.

What should I do if I cannot activate my service into an existing Oracle Cloud Account?

Inform your CSM or sales representative if you run into issues, providing the following information:

  • Existing Oracle Cloud Account name

  • Subscription ID of a service in the account

  • Administrator email for the account

What do I do if I experience errors or failures while attempting to activate my Cloud Account?

The administrator email address must match the email which received the activation notification. If this does match and you are still running into issues, inform your CSM or sales representative, providing the following information:

  • Intended activation approach (new Oracle Cloud Account or activate within an existing)

  • Any error or failure messages received - include screen shots if possible

Can I use another identity management solution?

Only OCI IAM is supported in SIOCS cloud services implementations, however OCI IAM could also be integrated with external identity management providers, such as Active Directory, using its APIs.

I have multiple pre-prod environments and want to have different security configurations for the same users/roles in each, can I do that?

Yes, you can have different security configurations for the same users/roles in each environment. The recommended approach is to create roles in OCI IAM that reflect the configuration needs for each environment. Or you could consider creating two user IDs for the same person to reflect the different role configurations that they need to test.

OCI IAM application roles are scoped to the OCI IAM application provisioned for the environment. Since a separate OCI IAM application will be provisioned for each of your pre-production environments, users can be granted access to different OCI IAM application roles per their role in the environment.

OCI IAM groups that SIOCS provisions also follow a naming convention where the group name is prefixed with the OCI IAM application name. This essentially means that the group name would be different between environments.

SIOCS application roles are only applicable to the current environment and do not cross environment boundaries.

Why do I see other users in my OCI IAM instance (for example, batchuser)?

The Oracle Cloud Operations team will also seed a set of integration users required by the solutions as part of the provisioning process. These are users used for integration or internally for batch and other processing and should not be deleted.

Cloud Services Access

I have added users in OCI IAM. Why are they unable to access the application?

Users of SIOCS have to be assigned the appropriate OCI IAM application roles as well as the SIOCS application roles in order to access the application. Refer to the User Access to Functionality section of the Oracle Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service Security Guide for details.

The Store Operations Cloud Service Welcome email does not contain a link to access the SOCS application UI. Where do I download the SOCS application from?

The SOCS mobile application is not hosted by Oracle. The Mobile Application Archive (.maa) file needs to be downloaded along with the hosted connections.xml file. The SOCS application (.apk or .ipa) depending on which operating platform, the customer intends to use for the mobile devices, must be built and deployed to access the mobile application. Refer to the Oracle Retail Store Operations Cloud Service Mobile Guide for detailed steps and guidance on building the application.

Other Key Contacts for Notifications

I want other users in my company to receive notifications about upgrades, planned downtime, and maintenance periods. How do I add other users?

As the Service Administrator, initially you will also be the only person receiving Oracle notifications about upgrades, monthly updates, planned downtime, and maintenance periods. Identify the key personnel in your organization who should receive critical notifications about your Cloud Service. This could include backup administrators, project managers, implementation partners, and other project team members.

Oracle recommends setting up a distribution list at your company and registering your distribution list for the notifications. If you need to make changes that require Oracle's involvement, you can raise a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support. Refer to Doc ID 2364511.1 for details on how to log the SR and what information to provide.