12 Common Functions

Within the system, several features apply through the application across multiple functional areas.

The following topic is covered:

  • Merchandise Hierarchy Restrictions

Merchandise Hierarchy Restrictions

Some retailers will have different companies/divisions/brands in their company, where there will be a requirement to not allow everyone in the system to see all the merchandise hierarchies (departments) within the system.

Merchandise Hierarchy Departments will have data permissions assigned to them to enable a retailer the ability to restrict what departments a user has access to. As a new department comes into the system, they are added as a department data permission. The data permission will NOT be assigned to users as it gets added. Therefore, the department would need to be added to a user's role as a permission.

A system setting, ‘Filter Merchandise Hierarchy’ will be validated. If it is set to ‘Yes,’ then a user must have data permission for the department for it to appear within the hierarchy selections within the application. If the setting is set to ‘No,’ the system will not validate the user’s department data permissions and all departments will be available.

This is applicable on the mobile and desktop applications wherever the department drop down is displayed.


Company ‘Big Company’ has three brands in the same system:

  • Brand A — High end women’s fashion stores

    • Stores 1, 2, 3

    • Departments: 1010-Handbags, 2020-Evening Gowns

  • Brand B — Athletic stores

    • Stores 4, 5, 6

    • Departments: 3030- Athleticwear, 4040 – Running Shoes

  • Brand C — Lower end men’s and women’s fashion stores

    • Stores 7, 8, 9

    • Departments: 5050 – Men’s outerwear, 6060 – Women’s tops

  • Store User 1 is at store 1 and only has department permissions for 1010 and 2020. If the Filter Merchandise Hierarchy is:

    • 'Yes’, Store User 1 will only see 1010, and 2020 in their department selections.

    • ‘No’, Store User 1 will see all the available departments: 1010, 2020, 3030, 4040, 5050 and 6060.

This Filter Merchandise Hierarchy system setting affects the following when set to ‘Yes’:

  • It restricts the departments that appear in drop down selections: ticket search, item basket search, item lookup, product group component, and so on.

  • It restricts the Item Lookup results to the user’s departments (even if a department was not selected as search criteria).

  • It does not restrict items on transactions to certain departments, that is, the user can add items for any department to a transaction.

  • It does not restrict viewing a transaction using different search criteria.


  • User has permissions for hierarchy A, B, C and NOT for D.

  • If the user does a search on Item Basket for example, to return all 'In Progress' baskets, and does not use department as the search, the system will return baskets that are for all of the departments, A, B, C and D, even though the user does not have permissions for Department D.

  • User can view/edit (assuming proper edit permissions) as normal.