Post-Installation Validations

After the installation of Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse, you must perform a series of post-installation validations. Use the information on this page to validate respective scenarios for each component to ensure successful installation.

On this page:

Database Component

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Validate that all database objects for RELADM exist.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that the count is 12:

Select count(1) from dba_tables where owner='RELADM' and table_name like 'B1%';


Validate that all database objects for MDADM exist.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that count is 44:

Select count(1) from dba_tables where owner='MDADM' and table_name like 'B1%' and table_name not like '%TMP';


Validate that all database objects for DWADM exist.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that the total number of facts and dimensions is 68 and 295 respectively:

select targetentity,count(table_name) "Count" from (select case when substr(table_name,1,2)='CF' then 'Fact' when substr(table_name,1,2)='CD' then 'Dimension' else 'Others' end as targetentity ,t.* from dba_tables t where owner='DWADM') t where targetentity in ('Fact','Dimension') group by t.targetentity;


Validate that all required MV Log objects exist in the target DWADM.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that the count is 116:

select targetentity,count(table_name) "Count" from (select case when substr(table_name,1,4)='MLOG' then 'MV Log' else 'Others' end as targetentity ,t.* from dba_tables t where owner='DWADM') t where targetentity ='MV Log' group by t.targetentity;


Validate that database statistics are gathered for the RELADM, MDADM, and DWADM.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select t.owner, t.table_name table_name, trunc(t.last_analyzed) last_analyzed ,sysdate from dba_tables t where t.owner in ('RELADM','MDADM','DWADM') and trunc(t.last_analyzed) <> trunc(sysdate);

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ETL Component

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Validate that product version exists in metadata schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that product version is the version you wanted to deploy and that the applied date time is not null:

select prod_version,applied_dttm from b1_patch where patch_nbr= (select max(patch_nbr) patch_nbr from b1_patch);


Validate that "Oracle Utilities BI" project exists in the work repository schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select * from b1_patch_object obj where type_flg='PROJ' and patch_nbr=(Select max(patch_nbr) from b1_patch) and not exists (Select * from oua_work.snp_project p where obj.object_name=p.project_name);


Validate that required global and project variables exist in the work repository schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select * from b1_patch_object obj Where type_flg='VAR' and patch_nbr=(Select max(patch_nbr) from b1_patch) and not exists (Select * from oua_work.SNP_VAR v where obj.object_name=v.var_name);


Validate that required knowledge modules (IKM, JKM, and RKM) exist in the work repository schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select * from mdadm.b1_patch_object obj where type_flg='KM' and patch_nbr=(Select max(patch_nbr) from b1_patch) and not exists (Select * from oua_work.snp_trt km where km.trt_type in ('KI','KJ','KR') and obj.object_name=km.trt_name);


Validate that required folders exist in the work repository schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select * from b1_patch_object obj where type_flg='FOLD' and operation_flg='I' and patch_nbr=(Select max(patch_nbr) from b1_patch) and not exists (Select * from oua_work.SNP_folder f where obj.object_name=f.folder_name and par_i_folder is null);


Validate that required model folders exist in the work repository schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select * from mdadm.b1_patch_object obj where type_flg='MFOL' and patch_nbr=(Select max(patch_nbr) from b1_patch) and not exists (Select * from oua_work.snp_mod_folder m where obj.object_name=m.mod_folder_name);


Validate that important ETL framework scenarios exist in the work repository schema.

This scenario checks for the existence of several important ETL scenarios, but not all. This is because scenario numbers might vary from version to version. If the import job completed successfully and these core framework scenarios are present, then we can safely assume that all other scenarios will be present in the repository. Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that the count is 13:



Validate that required scenario folders exist in the work repository schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select * from mdadm.b1_patch_object obj where type_flg='SFOL' and patch_nbr=(Select max(patch_nbr) from b1_patch) and not exists (Select 1 from oua_work.snp_scen_folder s where (s.par_i_scen_folder=(Select i_scen_folder from oua_work.snp_scen_folder Where scen_folder_name ='Oracle Utilities BI') or scen_folder_name = 'Framework') and obj.object_name=s.scen_folder_name);


Validate that no ETL jobs failed at the time of deployment.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that no result is displayed:

select * from oua_work.snp_session es where sess_status='E' and not exists(Select 1 from oua_work.snp_session ds Where sess_status='D' and es.sess_name=ds.sess_name);


Validate that required seeded metadata exist in the metadata schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that the count is greater than zero:

Select count(1) from b1_product; Select count(1) from b1_global_cfg; Select count(1) from b1_schedule; Select count(1) from b1_storage_cfg; Select count(1) from b1_source_table; Select count(1) from b1_object_map; Select count(1) from b1_object; Select count(1) from b1_object_set; Select count(1) from b1_object_col; Select count(1) from b1_col_expr; Select count(1) from b1_join_expr; Select count(1) from b1_obfuscate_metadata;


Validate that required metadata views exist in the metadata schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that the count is 25:

select * from all_views where owner='MDADM' and view_name like 'B1%';


Validate that B1_SET_JOB_SESSION trigger exists in the work repository schema.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that the trigger exist:

Select * from dba_objects where object_type='TRIGGER' and owner='OUA_WORK';

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Analytics Component

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Validate that required catalogs exist.

Login to the Oracle Analytics Server using the analytics URL and validate that the following dashboard folders are present under Dashboard → My Dashboard.

1. About

2. Administration

3. Credit & Collection Analytics

4. Customer Analytics

5. Distribution Analytics

6. Exception Analytics

7. Meter Data Analytics

8. Mobile Workforce Analytics

9. Operational Device Analytics

10. Outage Analytics

11. Revenue Analytics

12. Work and Asset Analytics


Validate that pre-built dashboards exists under "Dashboards".

Expand above mentioned analytics folder and dashboard(s) should be present.


Validate Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse version in "About OUA" page.

Expand "About" and click on "About OUA" and verify the Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse version.


Validate that required spatial data exists.

To validate the spatial data:

1. Login to the Oracle Analytics Server using Oracle Analytics Server using the analytics URL.

2. Go to Administration→Manage Map Data.

3. Ensure Layers, Background Maps, and Images were imported successfully.


Validate that writeback functionality is working properly.

To validate the writeback functionality:

1. Login to the Oracle Analytics Server using the analytics URL.

2. Click Dashboards and select Administration→Custom Field Maintenance Dashboard page.

3. Select Insert Page.

4. Specify Table Name, Field Name and Description.

5. Click Insert.

6. Verify that the record is inserted successfully.


Validate that deployed RPD is consistent.

To validate the RPD deployed is consistent:

1. Open the RPD using OAS Client.

2. Click Ctrl+K

3. Ensure no Errors display in the Consistency Check Manager.

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Administration Tool Component

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Validate that the Administration Tool component deployed in the database server.

Run the following query in the target database as an MDADM user and validate that five Apex users exist:

Select * from dba_users where username like 'APEX%';


Validate that the Administration Tool is accessible.

Login to Oracle Utilities Analytics Administration Tool and validate the following:

1. In home page, the following sections should be present:

  • ETL Configuration

  • NMS Configuration

  • ETL Job Execution

2. Click on any link under ETL Configuration or NMS Configuration. This should navigate you to the ETL Configuration page.

3. Click the link under ETL Job Execution, which should navigate you to the ETL Job Execution page.

4. Click on every link in the home page and verify that the tool does not produce any exceptions.

This concludes the post-installation validation of all components of the Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse. The next step is to prepare the source system which will be configured in conjunction with the Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse.

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