Pre-Source Configuration Validations

Source configuration refers to the process of preparing both the source database and the target database to extract data from the source and transform and load the target database. This section helps you verify that Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse is prepared to receive data from the source database.

Before you begin, be sure that source-specific BI extract parameters are configured properly. This section covers all pre-source configuration scenarios and all input parameters required for the installer to configure source. Validate each of the scenarios in this section before running the source configuration.

On this page:

Source System

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Validate that only certified version of source application should be configured.

Make sure that the application version you have chosen to configure with Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse product is in the product support matrix → Certified source list.


Validate that source DB time zone and timestamp is the same as target.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and in the target database MDADM schema. Validate that time zone is the same in both source and target.

select current_timestamp from dual;


Validate that source DB character set is the same as target.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and in the target database MDADM schema. Validate that character set is the same in both source and target.

select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter in ('NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET','NLS_CHARACTERSET');


Validate that the source database is in archive log mode.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that one row is displayed:

select * from v$database where log_mode = 'ARCHIVELOG';


Validate that the supplemental logging is enabled on primary key columns.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that one row is displayed:

Select * From v$database Where supplemental_Log_Data_Pk = 'YES';


Validate that the system parameter enable_goldengate_replication is set to true for data replication using GoldenGate.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that one row is displayed:

select * from v$parameter where name = 'enable_goldengate_replication' and value = 'TRUE';


Validate that a database user exists in the source database for the GoldenGate owner.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that one row is displayed:

select * from dba_users where username = 'CCB01SRC'


Validate that GG owner user has required privileges.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

select grantee,granted_role,admin_option from dba_role_privs where grantee = 'CCB01SRC' union select grantee,privilege,grantable from dba_tab_privs where grantee = 'CCB01SRC' union select grantee,privilege,admin_option from dba_sys_privs where grantee = 'CCB01SRC' and privilege='UNLIMITED TABLESPACE' and admin_option='YES';



Validate that database directory B1_DATA_DUMP_DIR exists in source.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

select * from dba_directories where directory_name = 'B1_DATA_DUMP_DIR';

1. It should return one row.

2. Ensure that the path mentioned in DIRECTORY_PATH column is a valid path.

3. Oracle user should be able to read and write on this directory.


Validate Oracle GoldenGate version installed in source.

Open the GoldenGate command line interface (ggsci) and validate that the version displayed in the command line interface should be as per the product support matrix.


Validate that a folder exists with same name as the context code in /<GoldenGate Home>/dirdat location.

To validate this:

1. Navigate to GoldenGate home path in source.

2. Validate that a folder with same name as the context code should be present under dirdat directory.


Validate that a folder exists with the name diroby in /<GoldenGate Home> location.

To validate this:

1. Navigate to GoldenGate home path in source.

2. Validate that a folder named diroby is present.


Validate that 128 bit encryption key, along with its logical name, exist in the ENCKEYS file in <GoldenGate Home>.

1. Navigate to GoldenGate home path in source.

2. Open the ENCKEYS file.

3. Validate that this file has a logical key name and key using which trail data will be encrypted.


Validate that recommended manger parameters are added to the manager parameter file.

Open manager.prm file present in <GoldenGate home>/dirprm location and validate that below parameters are appended:

autorestart replicat <context code>*, retries 5, waitminutes 2, resetminutes 60 purgeoldextracts dirdat/<context code>/*,usecheckpoints,minkeephours 4


Validate that GoldenGate manager process is in running state.

Run the following command from the GoldenGate command line interface (ggsci) in the source server and validate that manager process is running:

ggsci> info mgr


Validate Oracle GoldenGate Monitoring Agent version installed in source.

1. Navigate to <GoldenGate monitoring agent instance home>/ogg_mon/Agents/OGGMonitorInstance/bin.

2. Execute the following command and validate that the version displayed is as per the product support matrix.



Validate that GLOBALS file in GoldenGate home directory has EnableMonitoring command.

Open GLOBALS file in the GoldenGate home location and validate that the EnableMonitoring command is present.


Validate that the GoldenGate Monitoring Agent instance process is in running state.

Run the following command from the GoldenGate command line interface (ggsci) and validate that the jagent process is in running state:

ggsci> info jagent


Validate that source application URL is not accessible for user transactions.

1. Application URL should be down, and users should not be able create/modify any transactions at the time of source configuration.

2. Application database should be up and running.


Validate that mandatory patches for Oracle GoldenGate & GoldenGate Monitoring Agent (if any) have been applied.

1. Find the list of patches for Oracle GoldenGate, Oracle GoldenGate Monitoring Agent from the product support matrix.

2. Navigate to the OPatch directory of each installed software.

3. Run the 'opatch lsinventory ' command

4. Validate that all required patches have been applied.

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Target System

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Validate that a database directory with the name B1_DATA_DUMP_DIR exists in the target database.

Run the following query in target database MDADM schema and validate the following:

select * from dba_directories where directory_name = 'B1_DATA_DUMP_DIR';

1. It should return one row.

2. Ensure that the path mentioned in DIRECTORY_PATH column is a valid path.

3. Oracle user should have read and write privileges on this directory.


Validate that Repository Creation Utility (RCU) for Oracle Data Integrator is executed and the required schemas are created in the target data warehouse.

Run the following query in target database MDADM schema and validate the following:

SELECT comp_name,owner FROM schema_version_registry where mrc_name='<schema prefix>';

<schema prefix>: Prefix you have provided at the time of running the RCU.

Query should retrieve one row for each of these components:

1. Audit Service

2. Audit Service Append

3. Audit Service Viewer

4. Oracle Platform Security Services

5. Service Table

6. WebLogic Services


Validate that WebLogic domain exists for Oracle Data Integrator Agent configuration.

1. Navigate to /<Oracle Data Integrator home> /user projects/domains/

2. Within this domain directory, there should be one directory with the same name as when the domain was created.


Validate that WebLogic Administration server for Oracle Data Integrator is in running state.

Log in to the WebLogic Administration Console for Oracle Data Integrator and validate that the user can login successfully.


Validate that WebLogic Managed server for Oracle Data Integrator is in running state.

1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration Console for ODI.

2. In the left pane, expand Environment and select Servers.

3. In the Servers table, the server's state is indicated in the State column.

4. It must be on running state.


Validate that Oracle Data Integrator WebLogic Agent test connection is successful.

1. Log in to Oracle Utilities Analytics work repository using Oracle Data Integrator Studio client.

2. Navigate to Topology → Agents → OracleDIAgent

3. Validate the host name and port number should be managed server port.

4. Right-click OracleDIAgent and click Test.

5. Test connection should be successful.


Validate that 128 bit encryption key, along with its logical name, are present in the ENCKEYS file in /<GoldenGate Home>/. Encryption key in target should be same as source.

1. Navigate to GoldenGate home path in target.

2. Open ENCKEYS file.

3. Validate that this file should have logical key name and key using which trail data will be decrypted.


Validate that a directory must be present with name same as context code in target /<GoldenGate Home>/dirdat directory.

1. Navigate to GoldenGate home path in target.

2. Validate that a folder with name same as context code should be present under dirdat directory.


Validate that a directory is present with the name diroby in target /<GoldenGate Home>/ directory.

1. Navigate to GoldenGate home path in target.

2. Validate that a folder with the name diroby is present.

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Source Application Parameters

This section covers the configurations that need to be done on the Oracle Utilities Analytics Framework based source applications. These configurations are not applicable to the Oracle Utilities Network Management System source. For Network Management System, parameters and buckets need to be configured in the Oracle Utilities Administration Tool post-source configuration.

Customer Care and Billing Parameters and Buckets

Ensure that the following extract parameter and bucket configurations are done properly for Customer Care and Billing and Customer to Meter source configuration. Any modification to these parameters or bucket configurations will require reset and reload of target dimensions and facts. Also, all replication views need to be regenerated.

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


To Do Characteristic Types

This extract parameter is used for configuring the Account, Service Agreement, Person, and Premise characteristic types that are used to determine the corresponding entities related to a To Do. This is used for the To Do facts (i.e. CF_TD_ENTRY, and CF_RECENT_TD_ENTRY).

Run the following query in source database application schema and validate the following:

select value(x).getrootelement() src_parm_type, extractvalue(value(y),'//parameterType') src_param_type_cd, extractvalue(value(y),'//parameterValue') parm_value from f1_mst_config , table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype('<xml>' ||mst_config_data ||'</xml>'),'//parameterType/../..'))) p , table(xmlsequence(extract(value(p),'/'))) x, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(x),'//parameterType/..'))) y where trim(bus_obj_cd) = 'C1-BIExtractParametersConfig';

Validate that four records are present with not null parameter value for parameter type toDoCharacteristicTypes.

Note: Use this query to validate scenarios from D01 - D14.


Recent To Do Miscellaneous

This extract parameter is used for configuring a numeric value that denotes the 'Completed in Days' parameter. Recent To Do entry fact loads all active To Do entries and To Do entries which are completed within this configured number of days.

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type recentToDoMiscellaneous.


Financial Transaction Characteristic Values

This extract parameter holds the Revenue and Tax characteristic values that are used to determine the Revenue and Tax amount, respectively, of the FT. These values are used by the Financial Transaction, Financial Transaction General Ledger, and SA Billing facts (CF_FT, CF_FT_GL, and CF_SA_BILLING).

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that two records are present with not null parameter value for parameter type ftCharacteristicValues.


Financial Transaction Characteristic Types

This extract parameter contains the GL Account characteristic types that are used to determine the GL Accounts that are extracted for the Financial Transactions, Financial Transaction General Ledger, and SA Billing facts (CF_FT, CF_FT_GL, and CF_SA_BILLING).

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type ftCharacteristicTypes.


Exclude Archive Adjustment Types

This extract parameter contains all the archive adjustment types that should be excluded by the FT and FT GL facts (CF_FT, and CF_FT_GL).

This is not a mandatory parameter. If Exclude Archive Adjustment Types is configured then at least one record should be present with not null parameter value for parameter type excludeArchiveAdjustmentTypes.

Use the query listed in scenario D01 to validate.


Broken PA Characteristic Types

This extract parameter contains the Broken characteristic type that is used to identify if a payment arrangement is broken. This is used by the Payment Arrangement facts (CF_PA, and CF_PA_SNAP).

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type brokenPACharacteristicType.


Broken PA Characteristic Values

This extract parameter contains the Broken characteristic value that is used to identify if a payment arrangement is broken. This is used by the Payment Arrangement facts (CF_PA, and CF_PA_SNAP).

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type brokenPACharacteristicValue.


Broken PA Adjustment Cancel Reasons

This extract parameter contains the adjustment cancel reason that is used to identify if a payment arrangement is broken. This is used by the Payment Arrangement facts (CF_PA, and CF_PA_SNAP).

This is not a mandatory parameter. If Broken PA Adjustment Cancel Reasons is configured then at least one record should be present with not null parameter value for parameter type brokenPAAdjustmentCancelReasons.

Use the query listed in scenario D01 to validate.


Overdue Bill Characteristic Types

This extract parameter contains the overdue bill characteristic type that is used to identify the bill that is associated with the Overdue Process. This is used by the Overdue Process and Event extracts (CF_COLL_PROC, and CF_COLL_EVT).

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type overdueProcessCharacteristicTypes.


High Bill Complaint Characteristic Types

This extract parameter contains the characteristic type that is used to identify the bill associated with the High Bill Complaint case. This is used by the SA Billing fact (CF_SA_BILLING).

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type highBillCharacteristicTypes.


Exclude High Bill Complaint Case Statuses

This extract parameter contains the case statuses for which High Bill Complaint cases should not be considered. This is used by the SA Billing fact (CF_SA_BILLING) to identify if a bill is associated to a high bill complaint. If this parameter is configured, then all these statuses will not be excluded at the time of populating high bill indicator.

This is not a mandatory parameter. If Exclude High Bill Complaint Case Statuses is configured then at least one record should be present with not null parameter value for parameter type excludeHighBillCaseStatusTypes.

Use the query listed in scenario D01 to validate.


High Bill Complaint Case Types

This extract parameter contains the case types for high bill complaint cases. This is used by the SA Billing fact (CF_SA_BILLING).

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type highBillCaseTypes.


SA Snapshot Miscellaneous

This extract parameter contains a numeric value to denote the Exclude SAs Closed in Days parameter. Exclude SAs Closed in Days, if specified, is used to retrieve SAs closed within the last 'x' days, for inclusion on the SA Snapshot and Payment Arrangement Snapshot facts (CF_SA, and CF_PA_SNAP)

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type saArrearsMiscellaneousTypes.



This extract parameter contains a value for bill segment lines to be included. It is used to calculate CALC_AMT column in Billed Usage Fact (CF_BILLED_USAGE)

Using the query listed in scenario D01, validate that one record is present with not null parameter value for parameter type includeBillCalculationLines.


Billing Day In Window Buckets

Billing Day In Window bucket configuration defines the bucket ranges that identify the day in the billing window when the bill segment was frozen. It also indicates whether the range is within the window or outside the window.

Two sets of ranges can be defined for this bucket configuration: one set for day ranges that fall inside the billing window (bill window status of In Window), and another set for day ranges that fall outside the billing window (bill window status of Outside Window).

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Billing Day In Window Dimension (CD_BILL_DAY_IN_WIN). Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-BillingDayInWindow';

Two sets of bucket ranges should be present. One set is for inside day in window and another for outside day in window. In each set:

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Days Before Bill Window Closes Buckets

Days Before Bill Window Closes bucket configuration defines the bucket ranges that identify the number of days left before the bill window closes.

Two sets of ranges should be configured for this bucket configuration: one set for day ranges when the bill window is still open (window closure status is Open), and another set for days when the bill window is closed (window closure status is Closed).

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Days Before Bill Window Closes Dimension (CD_DAYS_TO_WIN_CLS).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-DaysBeforeBillWindowCloses';

Two sets of bucket ranges should be present. One set for day ranges when the bill window is still open, and another set for days when the bill window is closed. In each set:

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Days of Unbilled Usage Buckets

Days of Unbilled Usage bucket configuration defines the bucket ranges used to identify how many days the service agreement has usage but has not been billed for.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Days of Unbilled Usage Dimension (CD_DAYS_UNBILLED_USG).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-DaysOfUnbilledUsage';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Days Since Last Frozen Bill Segment Buckets

Days Since Last Frozen Bill Segment bucket configuration defines the bucket ranges used to identify the number of days since the service agreement has a frozen bill segment.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Days Since Last Frozen Bill Segment Dimension (CD_DAYS_LAST_FRZ_BS).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-DaysSinceLastFrozenBSeg';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


PA Future Payment Age Buckets

PA Future Payment Age defines the configurable day ranges indicating the age of future scheduled payments for payment arrangements. The future payments for a payment arrangement are approximated using the number of installments left and the frequency that the payment arrangement SA is billed (via the bill cycle schedule of the account).

This bucket configuration data is used in PA Accumulation/Snapshot facts (CF_PA, and CF_PA_SNAP).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-PAFuturePaymentAge';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


PA Number of Installments Buckets

PA Number of Installments bucket defines the bucket ranges used to group payment arrangements based on the number of installments.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Number of Installments Dimension (CD_INSTALLMENT_CNT).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-PANumberOfInstallments';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


PA Recurring Charge Amount Buckets PA Recurring Charge Amount Buckets

A Recurring Charge Amount bucket defines the bucket ranges used to group payment arrangements based on their recurring charge amounts.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the PA Recurring Charge Amount Dimension (CD_REC_CHARGE_AMOUNT).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-RecurringChargeAmounts';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


PP Future Payment Age Buckets

Pay Plan Future Payment Age bucket defines the age buckets for which future payments for pay plans are scheduled to be paid.

This bucket configuration data is used in Pay Plan Accumulation/Snapshot facts (CF_PAY_PLAN, and CF_PAY_PLAN_SNAP).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='C1-PPFuturePaymentAge';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


SA Arrears Buckets

SA Arrears bucket defines the bucket ranges for the service agreement's arrears age.

This bucket configuration data is used in the SA Arrears Snapshot fact (CF_ARREARS).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd= 'C1-SAArrearsBuckets' ;

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. Gaps in bucket ranges are not allowed.

4. Overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

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Meter Data Management Parameters and Buckets

Ensure that the following extract parameter and bucket configurations are done properly for Meter Data Management source configuration. Any modification to these parameters or bucket configurations will require reset and reload of target dimensions and facts. Also, all replication views need to be regenerated.

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Market Relationship Types

A service point may have several service providers (for example: distributor, retailer, etc.) where each is defined with a specific market relationship type on either the service point directly or on the service point's market indirectly.

All fact tables for meter data management populates SPR1_KEY and SPR2_KEY column based on two market relationship types configured.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following.

select value(x).getrootelement() src_parm_type, extractvalue(value(y),'//parameterType') src_param_type_cd, extractvalue(value(y),'//parameterValue') parm_value from f1_mst_config , table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype('<xml>' ||mst_config_data ||'</xml>'),'//parameterType/../..'))) p , table(xmlsequence(extract(value(p),'/'))) x, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(x),'//parameterType/..'))) y where trim(bus_obj_cd) = 'D1-ODIBasedBIMasterConfig';

Validate that two records are present with marketRelationshipTypes.

Note: Use this query to validate scenarios from E01 - E04.


Subscription Types

A service point may have several usage subscriptions. All fact tables for meter data management populates US1_KEY and US2_KEY column based on two usage subscriptions are determined via the Subscription Type.

Using the query listed in scenario E01, validate that two records are present with subscriptionTypes.


Activity Category Types

Activity accumulation fact (CF_DEVICE_ACTIVITY) extract only activities, whose Activity Type Category is specified on this master configuration BO.

If this parameter is not configured, then this fact will not load any data.

Using the query listed in scenario E01, validate that at least one record is present with activityCategoryTypes.


Device Event BOs to Exclude

Device Event accumulation fact (CF_DEVICE_EVT) can be filtered to exclude certain device events. The device events, whose Device Event BO is specified on this master configuration BO, are excluded in the extract.

It is not mandatory that above query should return one or more rows with deviceEventBOs. If this BO is configured and rows returned with deviceEventBOs, then ETL will exclude related device events, else it will load all device events.


Measurement Condition

This extendable lookup is used to define a measurement, such as the source/type of the measurement (for example: a system estimate vs. a normal read vs. a human override). This configured values are extracted into Measurement Condition Code Dimension(CD_MSRMT_COND).

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that at least one record is displayed:

select * from f1_ext_lookup_val where bus_obj_cd='D1-MeasurementConditionLookup';


Days Since Last Normal Measurement

This extendable lookup is used to define the age ranges for days since the last normal measurement was received. The configured values are extracted into Days Since Last Normal Measurement Dimension (CD_DAYS_LAST_MSRMT).

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that at least one record is displayed:

select * from f1_ext_lookup_val where bus_obj_cd='D1-DaysSinceLastNormalMsrmtLkp';


Usage Snapshot Type

This extendable lookup is used to define the granularity of the aggregated consumptions of a service point. It defines the TOU map that is applied to the service point's consumptions, where every resultant TOU and condition results in a row on the SP Usage Snapshot fact.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that at least one record is displayed:

select * from f1_ext_lookup_val where bus_obj_cd ='D2-ConsumptionSnapshotTypeLkup';


Days Since Last Usage Transaction

This extendable lookup is used to define the bucket definitions for the number of days since the last usage transaction was created for the service point. These age bucket definitions are used while extracting data for the Unreported Usage Snapshot Fact.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that at least one record is displayed:

select * from f1_ext_lookup_val where bus_obj_cd ='D2-DaysSinceLastUTLookup';


Unreported Usage Analysis Snapshot Type

This extendable lookup is used to define the different aging snapshots that can be taken for a service point for different types of usage subscriptions. Multiple snapshots of a single service point are allowed as implementations could have multiple systems it is sending consumption to and it may need a snapshot for each.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate that at least one record is displayed:

select * from f1_ext_lookup_val where bus_obj_cd ='D2-SPUTAgingSnapshotTypeLookup';


External System Mapping

This extendable lookup provides a mapping between an external system and its data source indicator.

This parameter is for integration of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with other utilities products. Validation of this parameter is not in the scope of this document.


External System Entity Name

This extendable lookup defines the entity names of entity information that can be received from external systems.

This parameter is for integration of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with other utilities products. Validation of this parameter is not in the scope of this document.


External System ID Mapping

This extendable lookup provides a mapping between the external identifiers captured in Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management and the external system where that identifier is from.

This parameter is for integration of Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management with other utilities products. Validation of this parameter is not in the scope of this document.

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Mobile Workforce Management Parameters and Buckets

Ensure that the following extract parameter and bucket configurations are done properly for Mobile Workforce Management source configuration. Any modification to these parameters or bucket configurations will require reset and reload of target dimensions and facts. Also, all replication views need to be regenerated.

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Crew Time Usage

Crew Time Usage is an extendable lookup defining crew time usage types (Work, Travel, POU, Break, Depot, Idle, Logon, Logoff, Out of Service, Wait), where each crew time usage type is further classified as either productive or not.

The configured values are extracted into Crew Time Usage Dimension (CD_CREW_TM_USG).

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select f1_ext_lookup_value,bo_data_area from f1_ext_lookup_val where bus_obj_cd='M1-CrewTimeUsageLookup';

1. Query should return one or more rows (i.e. crew time usage codes).

2. For each row in bo_data_area column a code should be present inside the tag <productivityIndicator>. For example: <productivityIndicator>M1NP</productivityIndicator>. Here, productivity code is M1NP.


Crew Hierarchy

Crew hierarchies organize crews into logical structures of up to three levels that represent their position relative to other crews. The configured values are extracted into Crew Dimension (CD_CREW).

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select h.m1_hierarchy_cd,u.m1_hier_lev_flg from m1_hierarchy h , m1_hier_upstream u , m1_resrc_char c Where h.m1_hierarchy_cd=u.m1_hierarchy_cd and u.M1_Hier_Lev_Flg in ('M101','M102','M103') and c.char_val_fk1=h.m1_hierarchy_cd and c.char_type_cd='M1CRHIER';

1. Query should display rows with crew hierarchy code and hierarchy level if set already.

2. Validate that hierarchy level flag contains M101 or M102 or M103.


Service Area Hierarchy

Service Area hierarchies organize service areas into logical structures of up to three levels that represent their position relative to other service areas. The configured values are extracted into Service Area Dimension (CD_SERVICE_AREA).

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select h.m1_hierarchy_cd,u.m1_hier_lev_flg from m1_hierarchy h , m1_hier_upstream u , m1_svc_area_char c Where h.m1_hierarchy_cd=u.m1_hierarchy_cd and u.M1_Hier_Lev_Flg in ('M101','M102','M103') and c.char_val_fk1=h.m1_hierarchy_cd and c.char_type_cd='M1SAHIER';

1. Query should display rows with service area hierarchy code and hierarchy level if set already.

2. Validate that hierarchy level flag should contain M101 or M102 or M103.


Appointment Time Buckets

Appointment time bucket configuration defines the time ranges (in minutes) indicating whether the crew missed an appointment and if so, by how much time.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Appointment Time dimension (CD_APPT_TM).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-AppointmentTimeBucketConfig';

1. One negative bucket should be present for early appointment. For example, start range is -99999 and end range is 0.

2. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

3. Bucket ranges should be configured as per the business need and it should cover all possible values. For example: -99999 to 0 (on time), 0-5(on time), 5-15 (15min Late), 15-30 (30min Late), 30-60(1 hour Late), 60-99999 (Too Late).


Appointment Time of Day Buckets

Appointment time of day bucket configuration defines the time ranges (in minutes) classifying an appointment time of day. This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Appointment Time of Day dimension (CD_APPT_TM_OF_DAY). Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-AppointmentTimeOfDayBktConf';

1. Bucket start and end range should be configured based on the crews business hours. For example, Crews will be available from 8am-8pm then start range is 480min end 1200min. This big bucket can be break into smaller multiple buckets like (8am-10am, 10am-12pm, 2pm-5pm, and 5pm-8pm).

2. Gaps and overlap ranges are allowed.

3. At least one bucket should be present to cover each time of the day.


Late Logon Buckets

Late logon bucket configuration defines the time ranges (in minutes) indicating by how much time the crew is late to logon for a shift.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Late Logon dimension (CD_LATE_LOGON_TM).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-LateLogonBucketConf';

1. One negative bucket range -99999 to 0 should be configured to represent on time logon.

2. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

3. Bucket ranges should be configured as per the business need and it should cover all possible values. For example: -99999 to 0 (on time), 0-5(on time), 5-15 (15min Late), 15-30 (30min Late), 30-60(1 hour Late), 60-99999 (Too Late).


Early Logoff Buckets

Early logoff bucket configuration defines the time ranges (in minutes) indicating by how much time the crew is logging off earlier than planned for a shift. This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Early Logoff dimension (CD_EARLY_LOGOFF_TM). Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-EarlyLogoffBucketConf';

1. One negative bucket range -99999 to 0 should be configured to represent on time/Late logoff.

2. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

3. Bucket ranges should be configured as per the business need and it should cover all possible values. For example: -99999 to 0 (on time/Late logoff), 0-5(on time), 5-15 (15min early), 15-30 (30min early), 30-60(1 hour early), 60-99999 (Too early).


Work Duration Deviation Buckets

Work duration deviation bucket configuration defines the percentage ranges to indicate the deviation of actual work duration relative to estimated work duration.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Work Duration Deviation dimension (CD_WORK_DUR_DEV).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-WorkDurationDeviationBktCon';

1. Negative bucket ranges should be present for underestimated or as expected (i.e. actual duration is more than the expected duration).

2. Positive bucket ranges should be present for overestimated or as expected (i.e. actual duration is less than the expected duration).

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

4. Bucket ranges should be configured as per the business need and it should cover all possible values. For example: -99999 to -25 (>25% Under), -25- to -10 (10–25% Under), -10 to -1 (1–10% Under), -1 to 0 (As Expected), 0 to 10(<10% Over), 10 to 25 (10–25% Over), and 25 to 99999(>25% Over).


Travel Duration Deviation Buckets

Travel duration deviation bucket configuration defines the percentage ranges to indicate the deviation of actual travel duration relative to estimated travel duration.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Travel Duration Deviation dimension (CD_TRAVEL_DUR_DEV).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-TravleDurationDeviBktCon';

1. Negative bucket ranges for underestimated or as expected (i.e. actual duration is more than the expected duration).

2. Positive bucket ranges for overestimated (i.e. actual duration is less than the expected duration).

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

4. Bucket ranges should be configured as per the business need and it should cover all possible values. For example: -99999 to -25 (>25% Under), -25- to -10 (10–25% Under), -10 to -1 (1–10% Under), -1 to 0 (As Expected), 0 to 10(<10% Over), 10 to 25 (10–25% Over), and 25 to 99999(>25% Over).


Travel Distance Deviation Buckets

Travel distance deviation bucket configuration defines the percentage ranges to indicate the deviation of actual travel distance relative to estimated travel distance.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Travel Distance Deviation dimension (CD_TRAVEL_DIST_DEV).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-TravleDistanceDeviBktCon';

1. Negative bucket ranges for underestimated or as expected (i.e. actual distance is more than the expected distance).

2. Positive bucket ranges for overestimated (i.e. actual distance is less than the expected distance).

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

4. Bucket ranges should be configured as per the business need and it should cover all possible values. For example: -99999 to -25 (>25% Under), -25- to -10 (10–25% Under), -10 to -1 (1–10% Under), -1 to 0 (As Expected), 0 to 10(<10% Over), 10 to 25 (10–25% Over), and 25 to 99999(>25% Over).


Response Time Deviation Buckets

Response time deviation bucket configuration defines ranges (in minutes) to indicate the deviation of actual response time relative to response time SLA.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Response Time Deviation dimension (CD_RESP_TM_DEV).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='M1-ResponseTimeDeviBktCon';

1. Negative bucket ranges for underestimated or as expected (i.e. actual response time is more than the expected).

2. Positive bucket ranges for overestimated (i.e. actual response time is less than the expected)

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

4. Bucket ranges should be configured as per the business need and it should cover all possible values. For example: -99999 to -25 (>25% Under), -25- to -10 (10–25% Under), -10 to -1 (1–10% Under), -1 to 0 (As Expected), 0 to 10(<10% Over), 10 to 25 (10–25% Over), and 25 to 99999(>25% Over).

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Work and Asset Management Parameters and Buckets

Ensure that the following extract parameter and bucket configurations are done properly for Work and Asset Management source configuration. Any modification to these parameters or bucket configurations will require reset and reload of target dimensions and facts. Also, all replication views need to be regenerated.

# Validation Script or Steps to Validate


Location BO Parameters

Location snapshot fact (CF_LOCATION_SNAP) will be loaded based on Business Object codes configured for Location BO Parameter.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

select value(x).getrootelement() "Extract Parameter Type", extractvalue(value(y),'//parameterType') "Parameter Code", extractvalue(value(y),'//parameterValue') "Parameter Value" from f1_mst_config , table(xmlsequence(extract(xmltype('<xml>'||mst_config_data||'</xml>') ,'//parameterType/../..'))) p , table(xmlsequence(extract(value(p),'/'))) x , table(xmlsequence(extract(value(x),'//parameterType/..'))) y where trim(bus_obj_cd) in ('W1-WAMBIExtractParameters','W1-BIExtractParameters');

Validate that at least one record is present with locationBOParameter.

Note: Use this query to validate scenarios from G01 - G05


Asset BO Parameters

Asset snapshot fact (CF_ASSET_SNAP) will be loaded based on Business Object codes configured for Asset BO Parameter.

Using the query listed in scenario G01, validate that at least one record is present with assetBOParameter.


Firmware Parameters

In Operational Device Dimension (CD_OPR_DEVICE) there are ten slots for firmware's to capture the appropriate firmware versions of the asset.

Using the query listed in scenario G01, validate that at least one record is present with firmwareParameter.


Operation Device BO Parameters

Operational Device Dimension (CD_OPR_DEVICE), Operational Device Snapshot (CF_OPR_DEVICE_SNAP), and Operation Device Accumulation (CF_OPR_DEVICE) facts will be loaded based on Business Object codes configured for the Operation Device BO Parameter.

Using the query listed in scenario G01, validate that at least one record is present with operationalDeviceBOParameter.


Asset Failure Parameters

Failed Indicator in Operational Device Snapshot and Asset Location facts are populated based on the failure condition codes configured for the Asset Failure Parameters.

Using the query listed in scenario G01, validate that at least one record is present with assetFailureParameter.


Asset Age Buckets Asset

Age bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify how long an asset has been in the system. This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Asset Age Bucket Dimension (CD_W_ASSET_AGE).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-WAssetAgeBuckets';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Asset Installation Age Buckets

Asset Installation Age bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify how long an asset has been installed on the field.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Asset Installation Age Bucket Dimension (CD_W_ASSET_INSTALL_AGE).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-WAssetInstallAgeBuckets';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Asset Criticality Buckets

Asset Criticality bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify the criticality defined at a given location.

This data is extracted into the Location dimension (CD_LOCATION).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-AssetCriticalityBuckets';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Asset Condition Score Buckets

Asset Condition Score bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify the condition score of a given asset.

This data is extracted into the Asset dimension (CD_UTIL_ASSET).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-AssetConditionScoreBuckets';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Work Priority Buckets

Work Priority bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify the priority set for a work order.

This data is extracted into the Work Order dimension (CD_WO).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-WorkPriorityBuckets';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Number of Cycles Overdue Buckets

Number of Cycles Overdue bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify how long a work order activity has been overdue in the system.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Number of Cycles Overdue Dimension (CD_NUM_CYC_OD).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-NumberOfCyclesOverdueBucket';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.



MTBF/MTTR bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to determine the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) or Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) ratings of a given asset.

This data is replicated into the data warehouse and is referenced in the Asset and Location Snapshot facts (CF_ASSET_SNAP & CF_LOCATION_SNAP) to determine the MTBF rating, MTTR rating, and the count of failures for each of these buckets. If these buckets are not configured properly then these two facts will be impacted.

Make sure that these buckets is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-MTBFMTTRBuckets';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Asset Age Buckets (Operational Device)

Asset Age bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify how long an operational asset has been in the system.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Asset Age Bucket Dimension (CD_ASSET_AGE).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-AssetAgeBktConfig';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Asset Installation Age Buckets (Operational Device)

Asset Installation Age bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify how long an operational asset has been installed on the field.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Asset Installation Age Bucket Dimension (CD_ASSET_INSTALL_AGE).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-AssetInstallAgeBktConfig';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.


Asset In Storage Age Buckets (Operational Device)

Asset Installation Age bucket configuration defines various bucket ranges that are used to classify how long an operational asset has been in store.

This bucket configuration data is extracted into the Asset Instore Age Bucket Dimension (CD_ASSET_INSTORE_AGE).

Make sure that this bucket is configured properly as mentioned in validation steps.

Run the following query in the source database application schema and validate the following:

Select c.bkt_config_cd,val.bkt_start_range,val.bkt_end_range from f1_bkt_config c, f1_bkt_config_val val Where c.bkt_config_cd=val.bkt_config_cd and c.bus_obj_cd='W1-AssetInstoreAgeBktConfig';

1. One bucket should have the start range as 0.

2. One bucket should have the end range as 99999.

3. No gaps or overlaps are allowed within the bucket ranges.

This concludes the validation of pre-source configuration checks. The next step is to configure the source with the Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse.

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