Central Panel

This panel has tools used to explore an Oracle Utilities Live Energy Connect (LEC) Server configuration and to monitor it if it is running.

The following image shows the Node Table tab open in a configuration with two VMD’s. The Node Table will display VMD’s, the nodes inside them, connectors between the nodes, and combine group labels. The legend at the right describes how items are displayed in the Node Table.

Image of Node Table Legend

You can select tabs at the bottom of the central panel to change what is displayed. Each tab provides the information about LEC configuration:

  • Node Table - Contains a visual representation of the LEC Server configuration. Use it to view, build, and edit the configuration. Select VMD’s, nodes, and connectors from the Node Table to edit their properties in the Properties panel.
  • Log Files – Displays the running log of the LEC server.
  • Node Monitor - Allows to monitor the current values of certain nodes in real-time. This is useful for testing and troubleshooting.
  • Network Monitor - Shows the status of MMS and ICCP associations for each VMD in the configuration.
  • LDIB Editor - Displays the MMS and ICCP association parameters table for VMD’s.
  • Services - Lists the LEC configuration aliases that are registered as Windows services and the status of each service.

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