12 Accessibility in Advanced Management Console

Oracle is committed to creating products, services, and supporting documentation that is accessible to the disabled community.

Oracle's goal is to ensure that disabled users of our products can perform the same tasks, and access the same functionality as other users.

This topic describes the accessibility features supported by Advanced Management Console.

Screen Readers

Oracle supports screen readers that translate screen-based information into spoken words to assist vision-impaired users.

For instance, configuration options are currently available for the JAWS screen reader produced by Freedom Scientific, Inc. For information on configuring this product, refer to the Freedom Scientific screen reader website.

Keyboard Access

Advanced Management Console support keyboard access to several menu and toolbar functionality for users to navigate between windows and work with them, or invoke resources.

The following sections provide details on the keyboard activation and focus operations that are present in Advanced Management Console.

Keyboard Activation

After navigating to a component, you can then use the keyboard to activate the component.

The following table lists the key that are used to activate GUI components.

Activation Keys GUI Action

Enter or Return

Activates the default command button.


Dismisses a menu or dialog box without changes.

Space Bar

Activates the tool bar button that has keyboard focus.

Keyboard Focus

When a component has focus, it generally displays the colored border or changes the color.

However, some components in the GUI can’t be displayed with a focus indicator. In this case, you must continue to use the keyboard to traverse the GUI until the focus is displayed.

Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard navigation enables you to move keyboard focus from one GUI component to another by using the keyboard without activating the component.

The following table lists the keys used for keyboard navigation.

Navigation Key GUI Action


Navigates to the next component in the GUI. The tab traversal order is generally left to right and top to bottom.


Navigates to the previous component.

Left arrow

Moves the keyboard focus to the left by one character or component. 

Right arrow

Moves the keyboard focus to the right by one character or component. 

Up arrow

Moves the keyboard focus up by one line or component. 

Down arrow

Moves the keyboard focus down by one line or component. 


Navigates up one pane of information within a scroll pane.


Navigates down one pane of information within a scroll pane.


Moves to the beginning of the data. In a table, the focus moves to the beginning of a row.


Moves to the end of the data. In a table, the focus moves to the last cell in a row.


Shifts focus to the next link in a topic or in a report.


Shifts focus to the previous link in a topic or in a report.

List View

List view describes how to navigate within tables appearing on a page.

The following table lists the keys used for navigation within a table.

Navigation Key GUI Action


Enters Actionable mode. This enables keyboard action on elements inside the item, including navigation between focusable elements inside the item.


Exits Actionable mode.


When in Actionable Mode, navigates to next focusable element within the item. If the last focusable element is reached, shift focus back to the first focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to next focusable element on page (outside ListView).


When in Actionable Mode, navigates to previous focusable element within the item. If the first focusable element is reached, shift focus back to the last focusable element. When not in Actionable Mode, navigates to previous focusable element on page (outside ListView).

Left arrow

Move focus to the item on the left.

Right arrow

Move focus to the item on the right.  

Up arrow

Move focus to the item above.

Down arrow

Move focus to the item below. 


Selects the current item. No operation if the item is already selected.

Tab Bars

This section describes how to use the keyboard to work with tab bars.

The following table lists the keys used for tab bar navigation.

Navigation Key GUI Action

Enter or Space

Selects list item.

Up Arrow

Moves focus to the previous visible list item.

Down Arrow

Moves focus to the next visible list item.

Right arrow

For horizontal tab bar, focus will be moved to next visible item.

Left arrow

For horizontal tab bar, focus will be moved to previous visible item.


Moves focus to the first visible list item. 


Moves focus to the last visible list item.


If focus is on a list item, pressing F2 will make its contents accessible using Tab.


When F2 mode is enabled, press Esc to exit F2 mode.

Ctrl + X

Marks the current item to move if reorderable is enabled.

Ctrl + V

Paste the item that are marked to directly before the current item.


Delete the current item.