6 Troubleshooting

Some known issues and ways to troubleshoot that you need to be aware of.

Error Messages

  • WKO error message:
    unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: unable to recognize "": no matches for  kind "Domain" in
          version "weblogic.oracle/v8" 

    If you encounter this error, check if the WKO is running and AMC namespace is correctly assigned to it.

  • Dry run error message:
     execution error at(amc/templates/validation.yaml:19:49): One or more secrets specified are not present in this

    Ignore this warning if you are executing the dry run.

  • Error due to formatting issues in the deployment configuration file:
    Error: execution error at (java-amc/templates/validation.yaml:5:51): Docker image repository or tag not

    If you encounter this error, check if the custom-values.yaml is properly indented or formatted.

Known Issues

Here are some known issues:
  • While initializing the Containerized AMC, the default common name (CN) is populated from the SSL certificate. Therefore, you have to use a valid host name while initializing. See Initialize the Containerized AMC.
  • If only the LoadBalancer service is enabled in the custom-values.yaml file, the WebLogic admin server console will not be accessible. If there is a need to access the admin server console, enable the NodePort service as well.
  • If the server hostname provided during initialization becomes inaccessible later, then AMC Agents stop communicating with the server . Also the AMC agent bundle download will fail.

Best Practices

Here are some tips or best practices that you can use to avoid communication (or access) issues:
  • If the Kubernetes is setup in a private network and it needs to access a public network, for example to pull the WKO container image, then configure the correct proxy in the container engine.
  • If there are network accessibility issues while accessing a server or a database, ensure that the firewall settings in the Kubernetes cluster is configured correctly.
  • The Advanced Management Console requires access to Java Security Baselines and Java releases servers. Internet access is also required to introspect JNLP files if they’re outside of the corporate network. Ensure that the required proxy is configured for the managed server pods in the custom-values.yaml file.
  • Once the LoadBalancer service is enabled for the Containerized AMC, it is persisted even on disabling the option. This is done on purpose to retain the assigned external IP address. Ensure that this service is not deleted inadvertently, else this will lead to AMC services being inaccessible.
  • The operations such as container image building, distribution, deployment, upgrade, and so on are performed by the operating system user having adequate permission. If required, prefix the commands with sudo or sudo -E as applicable in your environment.
  • Create a working directory for storing all the artifacts such as helm package, custom-values.yaml, and JKS files. Run the commands such as helm install or update, kubectl create or delete from this work directory.
  • Before you start Containerized AMC deployment, you can script the following operations as per you requirement and run the commands from a bash terminal:
    • Namespace creation
    • WKO installation
    • AMC secretes creation
    • ConfigMap creation
    • Helm install dry run command

    This will ensure that all prerequisites are met before proceeding with the deployment.