Class ExceptionToolkit

  • public class ExceptionToolkit
    extends Object
    Toolkit for working with exceptions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExceptionToolkit

        public ExceptionToolkit()
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public static String toString​(Throwable t)
        Returns a string with the text from Throwable.printStackTrace(). The string will end with a line break.
        t - Throwable to get the stack trace from
        a string with the stack trace
      • toString

        public static String toString​(Throwable t,
                                      int maxFrames)
        Returns a string with a text equivalent to Throwable.printStackTrace(), but with a limited number of frames. The string will end with a line break.
        t - Throwable to get the stack trace from
        maxFrames - The max number of frames to include in the string. If there are more frames in the stack trace, then an ellipsis is added at the end.
        a string with the stack trace