Class JavaVMVersionToolkit

  • public class JavaVMVersionToolkit
    extends Object
    A toolkit to handle JVM versions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaVMVersionToolkit

        public JavaVMVersionToolkit()
    • Method Detail

      • decodeJavaVersion

        public static String decodeJavaVersion​(String vmVersion)
        Since Sun decided not to have java.specification.version as a performance counter, we need to try to decode the specification version from the VM version.
        vmVersion - the full VM version.
        the java specification version, or something close to it.
      • parseJavaVersion

        public static String parseJavaVersion​(String version)
        Parses version string to find java version, such as 1.6.
        version - A string that may contain a java version
        Short java version, or null
      • isJRockitJVMName

        public static boolean isJRockitJVMName​(String vmName)
        Returns whether this is a JRockit JVM or not.
        vmName - the JVM name to check.
        true of it is a JRockit, false if it isn't or if was not possible to tell.
      • isHotspotJVMName

        public static boolean isHotspotJVMName​(String vmName)
        Returns whether this is a HotSpot JVM or not.
        vmName - the JVM name to check.
        true if it is a HotSpot, false if it isn't or if was not possible to tell.
      • isOpenJDKJVMName

        public static boolean isOpenJDKJVMName​(String vmName)
        Returns whether this is a OpenJDK JVM or not.
        vmName - the JVM name to check.
        true if it is a OpenJDK JVM, false if it isn't or if was not possible to tell.