Class RulesToolkit

  • public class RulesToolkit
    extends Object
    A collection of useful methods when evaluating rules.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RulesToolkit

        public RulesToolkit()
    • Method Detail

      • findMatches

        public static String findMatches​(String typeId,
                                         IItemCollection items,
                                         IAttribute<String> attribute,
                                         String match,
                                         boolean ignoreCase)
        Finds items of a specific type where the given attribute has a value matching that of the provided match string.
        typeId - the event type to find matches in
        items - the set of items to search
        attribute - the attribute to match
        match - the pattern to find
        ignoreCase - whether or not to ignore case when matching
        a comma-delimited string with all matching attributes
      • getValue

        public static <T> T getValue​(IItem item,
                                     IAccessorFactory<T> attribute)
        Gets the value of a certain attribute for a given item
        item - the item to get the attribute from
        attribute - the attribute to get
        the value of the specified attribute for the given item
      • getSettingsFilter

        public static IItemFilter getSettingsFilter​(String settingsName,
                                                    String... typeIds)
        Gets a filter for a specific setting for the provided types.
        settingsName - the specific setting to find
        typeIds - the ids of the types to find the setting for
        a filter for a specified setting for the provided type ids
      • getSettingMaxPeriod

        public static IQuantity getSettingMaxPeriod​(IItemCollection items,
                                                    String... typeIds)
        Gets the maximum period setting for the specified event types in the given item collection.
        items - the items to find the period setting in
        typeIds - the event type ids to find settings for
        the maximum period setting for the specified event types
      • getPeriodIfGreaterThan

        public static String getPeriodIfGreaterThan​(IItemCollection items,
                                                    IQuantity minPeriod,
                                                    String... typeIds)
        If possible, gets the longest period setting that is longer than the specified minimum period for the given event types.
        items - the item collection to search through
        minPeriod - the minimum period setting
        typeIds - the event type ids to find the period setting for
        a string representation of the longest period longer than the minPeriod, or null if all periods are shorter than minPeriod
      • getTypesWithZeroThreshold

        public static String getTypesWithZeroThreshold​(IItemCollection items,
                                                       String... typeIds)
        Returns a string describing the subset of event types given which have no duration threshold set.
        items - the item collection to search
        typeIds - the event type ids to find thresholds for
        a comma-delimited string describing the event types with no threshold
      • isEventsEnabled

        public static boolean isEventsEnabled​(IItemCollection items,
                                              String... typeIds)
        This method checks if the provided event types were explicitly enabled by checking the recording setting events.
        items - the collection to check.
        typeIds - the identifiers for the event types to check.
        true if all of the required event types were known to be explicitly enabled.
      • getEventAvailability

        public static RulesToolkit.EventAvailability getEventAvailability​(IItemCollection items,
                                                                          String... typeIds)
        Checks the event availability for the event types.

        Care should be taken when used with multiple typeIds. Use it when all of the provided typeIds are expected to have the same availability; if mixed, the lowest common availability for all types will be returned.

        items - the collection to check
        typeIds - the type identifiers to check
        the availability for the event types
      • getTooFewEventsResult

        public static IResult getTooFewEventsResult​(IRule rule,
                                                    IPreferenceValueProvider vp)
        Creates a IResult object for the given IRule object representing a result where there are too few events to properly evaluate a rule.
        rule - the rule to create a IResult object for
        an object describing that the rule could not be evaluated due to there not being enough data
      • getNotApplicableResult

        public static IResult getNotApplicableResult​(IRule rule,
                                                     IPreferenceValueProvider vp,
                                                     String message)
        Creates a IResult object with a generic not applicable (N/A) result for a given rule with a specified message.
        rule - the rule to create a IResult object for
        message - the description of the result
        an object representing a generic not applicable result for the provided rule
      • getEnabledEventTypesRecommendation

        public static String getEnabledEventTypesRecommendation​(IItemCollection items,
                                                                String... typeIds)
        Creates a text message informing that event types are recommended
        items - the events.
        typeIds - the identifiers of the event types to check.
        a text message informing that event types are recommended
      • getJavaSpecVersion

        public static JavaVersion getJavaSpecVersion​(IItemCollection items)
        Gets the Java version for the recording the provided IItemCollection represents.
        items - the recording to find the version of
        an object representing the Java version of the VM the items originate from
      • getJavaVersion

        public static JavaVersion getJavaVersion​(IItemCollection items)
        items - the items to look for the JVM version in.
        the parsed JavaVersion, or null if no VM information event with the JVM version could be found.
      • mapExp74

        public static double mapExp74​(double value,
                                      double x1)
        An exponential mapping from 0/infinity to 0/74 passing through 25 at limit. This approaches 74 at about 300-400% of the limit.
        value - Input value. Negative values will be treated as zero.
        x1 - Return 25 if value is equal to this. Must be more than zero.
        A value between 0 and 74.
      • mapExp100

        public static double mapExp100​(double value,
                                       double x1)
        An exponential mapping from 0/infinity to 0/100 passing through 75 at limit. This approaches 100 at about 300-400% of the limit.
        value - Input value. Negative values will be treated as zero.
        x1 - Return 75 if value is equal to this. Must be more than zero.
        A value between 0 and 100.
      • mapExp100Y

        public static double mapExp100Y​(double value,
                                        double x1,
                                        double y1)
        An exponential mapping from 0/infinity to 0/100 passing through y1 at x1.
        value - Input value. Negative values will be treated as zero.
        x1 - Return y1 if value is equal to this. Must be more than zero.
        y1 - Return value at x1. Must be more than zero and less than 100.
        A value between 0 and 100.
      • mapExp100

        public static double mapExp100​(double value,
                                       double x1,
                                       double x2)
        An exponential mapping from 0/infinity to 0/100 passing through 25 and 75 at limits. This approaches 100 at about 300-400% of the 75 limit.
        value - Input value. Negative values will be treated as zero.
        x1 - Return 25 if value is equal to this. Must be more than zero.
        x2 - Return 75 if value is equal to this. Must be more than x1.
        A value between 0 and 100.
      • mapExp

        public static double mapExp​(double value,
                                    double ceiling,
                                    double x1,
                                    double y1)
        value - Input value. Negative values will be treated as zero.
        ceiling - Max return value. Must be more than zero.
        x1 - Return y1 if value is equal to this. Must be more than zero.
        y1 - Return value at x1. Must be more than zero and less than ceiling.
        A value between 0 and ceiling.
      • mapLin100

        public static double mapLin100​(double value,
                                       double x1,
                                       double x2)
        An multi-linear mapping from 0/1 to 0/100 passing through 25 and 75 at limits.
        value - Input value. Negative values will be treated as zero.
        x1 - Return 25 if value is equal to this. Must be more than zero.
        x2 - Return 75 if value is equal to this. Must be more than x1.
        A value between 0 and 100.
      • calculateGroupingScore

        public static <T> List<MapToolkit.IntEntry<T>> calculateGroupingScore​(IItemCollection items,
                                                                              IAccessorFactory<T> accessorFactory)
        Each group is represented by the number of elements that belong in that group, elements are grouped by accessor value.

        For example, the items {A, B, C, A, B, A, A} will become {1, 2, 4}

        items - input items
        accessorFactory - a factory that provides accessors for the input item types
        A sorted list of counts, one for each unique value that the accessor computes from the input items, that tells how many input items gave that accessor value.
      • calculateBalanceScore

        public static <T> double calculateBalanceScore​(List<MapToolkit.IntEntry<T>> array)
        Calculates a balance for entries, where later elements get a higher relevance than earlier elements.

        For example the values 1, 1, 2, 5 will get the total score 5/9/1 + 2/9/2 + 1/9/3 + 1/9/4

        array - input values
        the balance score
      • getDurationInWindow

        public static IQuantity getDurationInWindow​(IQuantity windowStart,
                                                    IQuantity windowEnd,
                                                    IItem item)
        Get the duration for item within the specified window
        windowStart - window start
        windowEnd - window end
        item - item to get duration for
        duration within window
      • mapSigmoid

        public static double mapSigmoid​(double input,
                                        double minimum,
                                        double maximum,
                                        double lowCurveFit,
                                        double inflectionPoint,
                                        double highCurveFit)
        Maps the input value into a value between the minimum and maximum values (exclusive) using a sigmoidal curve with the given parameters. Minimum and maximum values are asymptotes, so will never be mapped to. If you want to map from [0,1] to (0,100) using this you should set a low inflection point and a single digit high curve fit with a low curve fit around 150. This will lead to exponential growth until the midway point where it will start growing logarithmically.
        input - the value to map
        minimum - the maximum value to map to (exclusive)
        maximum - the minimum value to map to (exclusive)
        lowCurveFit - fitting parameter for the lower end of the curve
        inflectionPoint - the inflection point of the curve (where input leads to 1/3 between min and max)
        highCurveFit - fitting parameter for the higher end of the curve
        a mapped value in the range (minimum,maximum)
      • getJavaVersion

        public static JavaVersion getJavaVersion​(String vmInfoVersionString)
        vmInfoVersionString - the JVM version information as presented in the VM information events, containing both the JVM and JDK version numbers.
        the parsed JavaVersion.
      • getType

        public static IType<IItem> getType​(IItemCollection items,
                                           String typeId)
        Gets the IType representation of a specific event type in an IItemCollection.
        items - the items to find the type in
        typeId - the event type id to find the type object of
        an object representing the type with the specified id in the provided item collection
      • getMissingAttributeResult

        public static IResult getMissingAttributeResult​(IRule rule,
                                                        IType<IItem> type,
                                                        IAttribute<?> attribute,
                                                        IPreferenceValueProvider vp)
        Gets a IResult object representing a not applicable result due to a missing attribute.
        rule - the rule which could not be evaluated
        type - the type of the item which is missing a required attribute
        attribute - the attribute that is missing
        an object that represents the not applicable result due to the missing attribute
      • createThreadsAndRangesFilter

        public static TimeRangeThreadFilter createThreadsAndRangesFilter​(IItemCollection items)
        Creates a thread and range filter for a set of related events. It assumes all the events provided are related and spans one contiguous time range per thread. The resulting filter will include all the original events plus any other occurred in the same thread during the time period (per thread) spanned by the events in the collection. Note that this is an expensive operation. Use with care.
        items - a collection of related items.
        a filter for the thread and time range.
      • createRangeFilter

        public static IItemFilter createRangeFilter​(IItem item)
        Creates a range filter for an event. The range will span the same time as the event.
        item - the event for which to create the range filter
        a filter for the time range of the event.
      • getStartTime

        public static IQuantity getStartTime​(IItem item)
        Convenience method for getting the start time value from a specific event.
        item - the event to get the start time from
        the start time of the provided event
      • getEndTime

        public static IQuantity getEndTime​(IItem item)
        Convenience method to get the end time value from a specific event.
        item - the event to get the end time from
        the end time of the provided event
      • getDuration

        public static IQuantity getDuration​(IItem item)
        Convenience method to get the duration value from a specific event.
        item - the event to get the duration from
        the duration of the provided event
      • getThread

        public static IMCThread getThread​(IItem item)
        Convenience method to get the event thread value from a specific event.
        item - the event to get the thread value from
        the thread the provided event occurred in
      • toRatioPercent

        public static IQuantity toRatioPercent​(IQuantity antecedent,
                                               IQuantity consequent)
        Calculates the ratio between two IQuantity values of compatible, linear kind and returns it represented as a percentage.
        antecedent - the antecedent (numerator) value
        consequent - the consequent (denominator) value
        the ratio between the two values as a percentage
      • toRatioPercentString

        public static String toRatioPercentString​(IQuantity antecedent,
                                                  IQuantity consequent)
        Same calculation as toRatioPercent(IQuantity, IQuantity) but it returns the percentage as a string instead.
        antecedent - the antecedent (numerator) value
        consequent - the consequent (denominator) value
        the ratio between the two values as a percentage, as a string
      • getAllTopics

        public static Collection<String> getAllTopics()
        Retrieves all topics that have rules associated with them.
        all topics associated with any rule
      • getSecondFrameInMostCommonTrace

        public static String getSecondFrameInMostCommonTrace​(IItemCollection items)
        Gets the second frame in the most common stack trace. Useful when showing what called a interesting method, like for example java.lang.Integer.valueOf (aka autoboxing)
        items - the item collection to build the aggregated stack trace on
        a stack trace frame
      • getFlightRecorderOptions

        public static Map<String,​String> getFlightRecorderOptions​(IItemCollection items)
        Convenience method for parsing the -XX:FlightRecorderOptions JVM flag. Since this is one flag that contains all flight recorder settings in a comma separated list as a single string it is useful to have one place to get the actual setting/value pairs from an IItemCollection.
        items - an item collection containing at least one JdkTypeIDs.STRING_FLAG event with the value "FlightRecorderOptions"
        a setting/value map for all FlightRecorderOptions
      • getShortRecordingInfo

        public static String getShortRecordingInfo​(IItemCollection items,
                                                   IQuantity shortRecordingLimit)
        Checks if the timerange spanned by the items is shorter than the limit, and returns a informative text message if that is the case.
        items - the item collection to get recording range from
        shortRecordingLimit - limit for a short recording
        a text message informing that this is a short recording, or null if recording is not short
      • sortMap

        public static Map<String,​Integer> sortMap​(Map<String,​Integer> map,
                                                        boolean sortAscending)
        Sorts map according to values.
        map - the map to sort
        sortAscending - true if the sorting should be from lower to higher, false for higher to lower
        sorted map
      • getEarliestStartTime

        public static IQuantity getEarliestStartTime​(IItemCollection items)
        Returns the earliest start time in the provided item collection. This method is based on the assumption that item collection lanes are sorted by timestamp.
        items - the item collection to find the earliest start time in
        the earliest start time in the provided collection
      • getEarliestEndTime

        public static IQuantity getEarliestEndTime​(IItemCollection items)
        Returns the earliest end time in the provided item collection. This method is based on the assumption that item collection lanes are sorted by timestamp and are not overlapping.
        items - the item collection to find the earliest end time in
        the earliest end time in the provided collection
      • getLatestEndTime

        public static IQuantity getLatestEndTime​(IItemCollection items)
        Returns the latest end time in the provided item collection. This method is based on the assumption that item collection lanes are sorted by timestamp and are not overlapping.
        items - the item collection to find the latest end time in
        the latest end time in the provided collection