Interface IEventSink

  • public interface IEventSink
    Event sinks are responsible for receiving and optionally modifying event data.

    IEventSink implementations are permitted to be non thread safe.

    See the package documentation for a longer discussion on how parser extensions work.

    • Method Detail

      • addEvent

        void addEvent​(Object[] values)
        Add a new event to the sink for processing. The sink may modify the event values as it sees fit.

        The implementation should have one or more subsinks created during the IEventSinkFactory.create call. Call addEvent on a subsink to continue the processing of the event. Note that the passed on value array must match the data structure used by the subsink.

        If no addEvent call is made to a subsink, then the event will be effectively filtered out.

        addEvent calls to subsinks may be delayed until later calls of this method or in an implementation specific flush method that can be called by IEventSinkFactory.flush.

        values - Event values. The order and data type of the values must match the dataStructure parameter to the IEventSinkFactory.create call.